Sep 21, 2006 22:33
October 21-October 31
See us. In Mississippi. Check it out yo.
Fun times will be had.
There will be an early Halloween party, so be prepared.
There will be a barbecue.
There will be alcohol and merriment.
I miss you all so terribly bad.
Ronny is talking to Alex on the phone, and we're watching him talk to Ronny on his webcam on Myspace. It is rather amusing.
This weekend, when I have time (for it is RACE WEEKEND in Doverware, and all of the closet Northeast Rednecks are coming out of the woodwork for Dover Down and the store will be SLAMMED all day tomorrow and Saturday) I am going to nerd it up hardcore and check out the Guild Wars Nightfall Preview weekend. hopefully.
There is a girl in my Ethnic gropus and minorities class named Suzanne. We were talking on our lunch break about mississippi. She's from Berlin, and she camped all along the gulf coast with her family after they moved to the states. We talked about the beaches and the hurricane, and lots of random things. And the whole time, i'm getting a little uncomfortable because she keeps glancing at my breasts. every few seconds. (Suzanne is a lesbian by the way) somehow, the subject got changed to how many pets everyone had. focus turns off me and my boobs. i'm happy.
quick rundown of my schedule for the next few weeks:
two opinion papers
external observation paper
two tests next week
hardware paper
research paper