Do take your place, Rodrigo. Sir Rodrigo!

Feb 25, 2005 02:22

ive been making some serious decisions lately quite hastefully....but not without a considerable amount of thought. actually, i'm quite proud of myself for making them so quickly. in the past i've spent monthes of stress over such adjustments, but not anymore. when i told my psychologist i was considering moving back into richfield with my parents, and i envisioned it taking a month or two to decide she replied, "MONTHES???" why would i spend monthes of energy worrying about something if i could come to a conclusion in a week? so i did. and after much debate... many substantial pros AND cons on both ends... i've decided to move back in with ma pa and the ol' pooch. i came to a realization that there was a balance of benefits from both ends, but richfield won the battle. and im glad!
i feel awful that im not going to be living with the twins anymore, as well as abandoning alot of my freedom, but i believe that going home will be an interlude of fortunate events. for lebowski, my dad has offered (as part of the deal) to build her a "Castle in the Sky"... aka, a designer ferret cage, designed by me. hopefully, she will get used to being caged up (though i never will okay with the idea) and stay healthy. as for me, hopefully i will save up for a pair of climbing shoes and an internal frame backpack for my excursions, though it is not in my blueprint to spend half the money i will save.
ive also decided to change my major! big suprise? not really. good thing i havent declared one of my "big ideas" yet or my student advisor would be furious with me. with every new idea i have though, i feel more and more at ease with my decisions. so my latest is.... geography! education still? not sure, we'll see. but im working on many plans for this major and my career which are yet to be unveiled. and though i am not sure about any which way i can turn with this major (and believe me, there are many), i am not experiencing any doubt that this may be the thing for me. i like to say, "it just makes sense!" though im not going to expand on that.
anyway, there is my update. ciao!

by the way, an open invitation to anyone who wants to come to the cedar lee with me and see one of MANY excellent movies that are being shown. i dont want to miss out.... dont let me miss out!!!! :o)
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