scene (s
n) n.
1. A self-indulgent douche bag who uploads eleven billion pictures of themselves looking "scene". Congratulations. You can use a camera.
2. A term to define hardcore and metalcore kids, mainly around demographics of 24 years old and under. These are the same kids who may be considered fashioncore, emo, hXc and etc. with their tight jeans as well long shags blindfolding their eyes.
3. Usually divided between certain types of music (Indie, Punk, hXc, what-fucking ever). The members of each scene usually conform to a certain type of dress and even type of thinking. Scenesters typically react to the other scenes with disgust and contempt.
In other words, it's white youth's answer to street gangs.
I can't even go to fucking local shows without having to deal with pussies with eyeliner, retards with X's Sharpied on their hands or snobby douchbags in vintage T-Shirts. Thanks scenesters! Thanks a fucking bunch!
4. Another excuse for attention whores to post pictures of themselves on this website.
5. The current trend. The girls and guys have the same haircuts. They try to make it look "naturally messy" and cut it themselves, but they use tons of hairspray and pomade. They wear tight pants and dye random hair sections white while the rest is black. They wear tight band shirts, white studded belts, and dark jeans sometimes rolled once. They wear New Balances or Aasics. They MUST have a myspace or else. They MUST take millions of pictures and wear eyeliner regardless of their sex. They like to take pictures of themselves holding signs that say "OMGZ ADRIENNE YOU ARE THE SEXXX!" And they like to use words like "haute" all the time and they type all funny.
III;; totally__ love the band xForeverxisxForgottenx~! I went to their show &_&& drew an enormously rad black__ XXX on my hand_ because:; I'm xStraightxEdgex!:;;!