(no subject)

Feb 20, 2009 01:11

Okay, the head of Jazz Studies at my school just replied to an update I made on twitter about a month ago. The update said, "I didn't get in. Goddamn the UNT: COM Jazz Faculty...but just for today." Which, okay, bitter and not so cool I know, but I honestly didn't mean anything by it, I was just upset. More at my lacking ability than anything else and sometimes you just wanna blame other people. I know they didn't do anything wrong, I know they did what they had to and I didn't get in and that's fine. But, I check my @replies thing to see if anyone has responded to any of my updates and I see this reply by a random person. It says, "Just so you know, the head of the UNT Jazz Studies Faculty (me) uses twitter. I hope you get over your upset about not getting in soon."

Needless to say I freaked out and checked to see if I had any personal info. on there. I had this on there, but I deleted my web page details. However, it is the internet and for all I know he's reading this right now.

But here's the things, I am a logical human being, I'm fairly certain I know why I didn't get in, and I understand. But, I needed to vent a little to get it out.

I replied to his @reply and said, "I was upset about not getting in, but that had nothing to do with anyone else. It was just me venting. I'm sorry if I offended." Which I really am, I didn't mean what I said before and I knew at the time that I didn't which is why I added the, "...just for today," onto the end.

I love this school, I love the program, and neither will change because of something that I knew would probably happen. Best Jazz School in the US! I knew this, I know this, and I didn't expect to get in, but I made it past the screening and I was hoping I might be able to do it.

Not getting in hurt, and I reacted, in a fairly small fashion I feel, which is stupid cause I know everyone gets online...I just, gah. Now I'm freaked out. *shiver*
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