"I still think that we might get on..."

Nov 01, 2008 14:21

I need to rant in a venue that allows me to get out every little detail and not feel like I'm talking too much about it. And, if anyone wants to read it and give me there opinion that would be amazing, cause I'm so fucking lost and I hate that feeling, it makes me feel incredibly stupid.

I was at lunch with my friend Kat one day. Sitting at a table next to us were these two guys. One was keeping the other from putting more parmigiana cheese on his plate or some shit like that. Me and my friend were watching them pretty blatantly, cause it was amusing. The two guys talked a little bit and one of them left. The one still there asked if he could come join us. We were just like, sure (if you know the dorm Bruce at UNT, then you know this isn't too uncommon). So, he came and sat with us and introduced himself as Blake. Computer Science major that plays bass and lives in our dorm. He wasn't too talkative, but he still seemed pretty cool. We all sat and talked for a little while, really not very long at all, before getting up and putting our trays up and leaving. We said bye, 'nice to meet you's, all that jazz, and me and Kat headed back to our rooms.

Later that day I get a facebook friend request on my phone ('cause I get them sent to my phone *shrug*) from a Blake *Insert last name*. I guess I'd already forgot cause I was like, who the fuck is this? When I got to my computer I saw it was the guy we had met at lunch, he told me that he looked me up with the little bit I'd told him about myself. I also noticed he hadn't friended my friend Kat (she's small, blond, big breasts, and a Jazz Studies-Vocal major. She's usually the first one the boys friend).

Then on one day it was like, "Hey, when are you going to lunch?" "Noon. Oh sorry nevermind, I'm not eating in Bruce today. When are you going to dinner?" "It's cool, I had class then anyway. Around 4:30 when it starts." Then I didn't go to dinner, cause I wasn't hungry, but I did go to the cafe at one point to get something to drink and we saw each other and we said hi.

Later on I wrote on his facebook, "Sorry I didn't do the dinner thing." His reply, "It's alright, I think I can deal with it, I hope. What are you doing tonight?" Then I told him I was taking a friend to Walmart, and that if he needed anything or just wanted to, he should come with. He said that I should call him when I go. That he was thinking about going to sleep early, but I should call him when I go. Then he sent me his number. Me, him, and two of my friends went to Walmart. There was talking and niceness, people got what they needed...he didn't need anything, he just went because. Then we went back to the dorm, I gave him allergy meds cause he had a bad headache and needed to sleep, and we all went our separate ways. Then I was going home for the weekend and there was some small talk over facebook. Then nothing really. Saw him a few times, said hi, how's it going's, whatever.

(Wednesday) So, I went to grab dinner in the cafe with one of the girls in my hall. We don't hang out a lot, but we'd been talking and she was like, are you hungry. So, I went with her. We got our food and went to sit with some of her jazz friends. At the table kinda next to us was Blake and two friends of his. And he was like hey, and I said hey and asked him how he was. He answered and then I continued to go sit with my friend...because I hate standing awkwardly with a tray in my hands *shrug* that could just be me. So, I sat. The jazz people talked, and I felt kinda awkward sitting there for a little while, and then my phone rang. When I looked at the caller id it was Blake. It made me laugh, and I answered. He asked me how I was doing over there, I told him all was fine. I laughed a little before picking up my bowl of cereal and telling him to hold on. I moved over to his table and there was talking, and I mentioned that me and a friend were going to the apple store later. After giving me shit about having any kind of apple product (computer guys, pfft), he started to ask if I was going alone before processing the 'friend-taking-me' part. I asked him if he wanted to go to the apple store with us. He said yes, with a big grin, and told me to give him a call when we were leaving. A little after that he was like, bye to all, and left.

When my friend and I were about to leave for the apple store I gave Blake a call. He didn't answer and I left a message, and then after a few minutes me and my friend left. After I got all of my ipod problems fixed and we were on our way back to campus, Blake called me. He said he was sorry for missing my call and I should call him when I get back to campus so we can hang out. I was like okay, we said goodbye, and I didn't really think much about it...until about 10 minutes later when I got a notice on my phone from a message I'd gotten on facebook, "Sending you a message while waiting for you to get back from Dallas." Then, of course, me and my friend got stuck in horrible traffic. I told him and he was like, "Make it hurry up so we can hang out." (Hehe, I told my friend Hitch the traffic needed to hurry up cause I wanted to see the boy, and he was like, "I know you wanna see the boy. I'm doing the best I can.")

I finally got back to Denton. Blake and I met up and we went to this store to try and find a book, just as something to do. While walking around to find the book he commented, "I don't hear your shoes anymore." (Cause they were all click-clacky) And I was like, "Were they annoying you?" And he said, "No, they let me know you were still there. That you hadn't run away or anything."

So, we didn't find his book. But, we did go to the kids section, pick up Where's Waldo, and played for about half an hour, then the store was closing. So we left and ended up going to this coffee shop. I got hot chocolate and we walked around the square this coffee shop is in for a while before we ended up sitting down on a bench. It's kinda fuzzy, all over the place, but we ended up play fighting over my empty cup. Him trying to get it away from me and stuff like that.

After a while of that, we left the square and went to this lake. Really pretty, clear view of the stars, very quiet. This part kinda all blends together too. We sat on the gravel, more sarcastic-ness. Then we got up and were trying to balance on one of those cement things that they have in parking lots that tells you were to stop your car. It was all crooked and thin, and I was wearing heels. We kept pushing each other off, stuff like that. Then, we ended up sitting again and making up constellations and I couldn't see one he was trying to point out, and at some part he started trying to tickle me. We were on this incline too, so we kinda fell back a little, and were laying down. I was laying on his arm. More trying to find constellations. Then there was some hand holding, and then cuddling, and still trying to show each other the figures we were seeing in the stars. After a while of this, he was like, okay lets get up, and he helped me up. Then, we went back to trying to balance on that thing, and using each other to balance, and pushing each other off. We ended up standing all close, and we kissed. Nice real kiss, some tongue, very pleasant. After a couple moments of this, we pulled away a bit...and then I pushed him back and went to try to balance on the thing again. He came over to do the same. There was more balancing, more pushing, more kissing. Then after asking if I could finally see this square he was trying to point out, and me saying a I could, he was like, 'Okay, you see it, now we can go.' So we got in his car. He fiddled with the heater a bit, and when he put his hand on the gear shift when he was done, I put my hand on top of his and he moved his fingers so mine settled between his. Then, he moved his hand to mess with his zune. Then he took my hand again when he was done. When we got back to campus, we got out of the car and walked back to our dorm. We live on completely different floors. So, once inside the dorm, we said goodnight. Quick kiss, then I pulled him back for another quick kiss, then we went our separate ways.

So, I messaged him the next day (Thursday) (after seeing him in the lobby, but not letting him know I saw him because he was with friends and I didn't know what to say) and I asked him what his plans were for Halloween. He replied back Friday afternoon, "Go crazy?" I was like, "Going crazy for Halloween? Sounds plan like." So, I got all dressed up, and went to a party that I was invited to by one of his friends (who oddly remembered my name and what I looked like, even though it was pretty dark when I met him and I was in all black *shrug*).

When me and three of my friends got to the party, and I saw that I recognized almost everyone there, I saw Blake. He was turned away talking to some of his friends. It was a really small house, so it was really easy to go over to where he was. I...tapped him on the shoulder or poked his calf with the toe of my boot (I don't remember which) and he turned around and was like, "Hey." I said hey, and then he kinda turned back around. I was like, huh. So, I went and got something to drink, and the party shifted around some more, and I tried one more time. He was standing somewhere else now, not really talking to anyone. I went over and asked how he was doing. He said he was fine and asked how I was. I said I was good, but I had corn syrup in my hair (I'd been a vampire, with bite marks on my neck). He was like, ew. Then there was a little awkward standing, which I'm really not a fan of. So when it kinda looked like he was gonna do what he did before, I turned around and walked away. That was basically it. I mean, I'd go outside with friends, and if he was out there, after a little while he'd head back inside, and then the people I was with would wanna go back inside, and he'd be in there and after a little bit he'd move back outside. I...gah! Then the party got busted up, the cop that came just told us to put down our drinks and leave. So, the party broke up and we moved to a different one.

So, that's my little drama that's left me very confused. God, I think it would have been easier if I at least slept with him. 'Cause then I could chalk this all up to him being a guy. Right now, I'm just incredibly confused and feel very stupid for being upset about it.

Any insight on the matter anyone?

kate nash - we get on

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