(no subject)

Oct 27, 2006 11:16

Last night was the first concert of the semester for the two choirs I'm in (I sing alto in one, soprano in the other). As a whole, it was pretty nice. But the individual pieces....yeesh. For the a capella choir I'm in (where I sing alto) the conductor picked repertoire that was too hard for the first performance. So, yeah, we did okay.

But in the middle of one of the pieces he stopped us, looked at the audience, and said 'We're gonna try that again' then, he stop us again, stage whispered to the men to 'Watch!' then we started that section over. We got through it with only a few minor mishaps (if you're not I music major).

Then the Concert Choir I'm in (where I sing soprano)...we rocked. *g* We sounded beautiful. You see, you have to audition for the a capella choir and not for the Concert Choir. So, in theory, the better singers are in the a capella choir. But we blew...us *g* out of the water.

Although, the conductor conducted an extra measure on the piece called 'Our Time' at the end. But, that was all.

Then about half the choir (a bunch of people from both choirs) went out to eat afterward. That was so much fun. *sigh* Good night, all in all that was a good night. *bg*
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