(no subject)

Aug 15, 2006 23:13

To do this meme comes from kyleschick's journal.

LJ Interests meme results

  1. caleb kane:
    He was once in a Buffy episode about her prom. Then years later, I heard a song on a new NBC show called Conviction. It was him. And that's where it started, Love at first Listen.
  2. cruel intentions:
    My favorite movie. I don't really understand why. I think it might have something to do with it's theory that it is actually some what close to how high school students act. It's a movie that centers around sex and love, and I adore it.
  3. fiona apple:
    "I'm an Extraordinary Machine" What more is there to say.
  4. janet evanovich:
    Love, love, love her Stephine Plum novels. Who else could take a girl from the burgs of Trenton and turn her into a kick ass bounty hunter?
  5. lucas/brook:
    hehe, I spelled it wrong. *shrug* Lucas/Brooke is wonderful pairing thats come out of lust, betrayal, love, more lust, and just a tiny bit of trust. That I believe his now been shattered. To pieces. Again.
  6. my guitar:
    My guitar, my baby, my love; actually I have three. They're all acoustic. The one I use mostly is a Jasmine by Takamine. I also have a classical one, it's a Martine. Finally I have a twelve string, it says it's a Washburn. I don't know, all I know is it sounds beautiful. My three babies.
  7. rayne.:
    River/Jayne. By far one of the oddest fanon pairings, in my opinion. But, addictive I tell you. And the Rayne writers, they have the way of making those two seem like the most normal pairing you will ever read. It's truly amazing.
  8. serenity:
    Serenity is the name of a class Firefly space ship on the television show Firefly. It is also the name of an amazing movie. Both of which (movie and tv show) were created by God, Joss Whedon.
  9. the cutting edge:
    AH! One of my favorite movies (right there with Cruel Intentions, although the premiss it COMPLETELY different). It's about a figure skater (Moira Kelly) and a hockey player (D.B. Sweeney) and how they interact after they are partnered together.
  10. :
    Blank Space...what can I say about Blank Space. Well, _______________________________. There ya go.

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