Free music files: ZeaLouS1 "Collaboc1de"

Mar 22, 2007 16:24

ZeaLouS1 "Collaboc1de"

I have to say that I hadn't heard ZeaLouS1 up to now. This is an great album that presents him as a talented nerdcore producer. A bit all over, since each track features a different artist- we hear from YTCracker, Ultraklystron, Beefy, Benjamin Bear, Emergency Pizza Party and a slew of other geekstas worth checking out. My fav right now is BBear's Head Shot. WoW players will want to check out My guild, a lovesong that entreats the wooee to "be my shamee, I can be your druid"... The overall style is darkly tinged, with the right mix of wacky irreverence to take the edge off. Digg it.

url, nerdcore, music, free music files

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