Well I got home too late to catch a ride to Electric 6, which is sad but probably for the best. I'm working, and listening to...
well why don't you go see for yourself, over at
MOG is a pretty nifty music community with a app that monitors your collection and playage. Yep, I intentionally installed software that spies on me. Anyway, you can also see a fair portion of my digital music collection there (haven't got everything on the lappy yet, and a good chunk is still CD/tape/vinyl. OK, so the only real vinyl I have is Seasame Street Gold, but without a record player it doesn't much matter anyway.) That last sentance doesn't validate under the DTD of your educated Engrish major (mis-nested punctuation), yet I refuse to correct it.
Do you like horror stories? Do you listen to digital audio? Do you have a *cast aggregator? I highly recommend subscribing to
Pseudopod. They're a bi-weekly-ish reading of some great new horror, and a paying market for horror authors (like a magazine), which is awesome. My favorite so far is probably the "Waiting for Father", although the title "Little-Boy-Leg-Bone" is so sonorous I find myself mentally singing it to myself, like a tourettic tic.
That said, I move on to my next post...