Jun 07, 2006 00:15
Bush is right. Officially changing our laws to define marriage as anything other than union between man and woman is an attack on a longstanding American institution. If it works for the president, it ain't broken, so don't try to "fix" it, right? It's like suggesting that anyone other than a rich white christian male could seriously consider becoming POTUS. This is why negros aren't citizens and women can't vote- because we stand strong against any assault on tradition. America was founded on tradition, right? So why fight it? Anyone who says otherwise is some kind of "revolutionary" and should be shot like an illegal immigrant. Under God.
This man has just re-upped his approval rating to a hearty 36%, meaning once again an entire third of this country agrees with it's head decision maker. Who cares that if he's having an affair with Condy? It's a good, wholesome relationship between a master and one of his servants, nothing European royalty ever scoffed at. We should be proud that he's so non-discriminatory. If Laura should ever start to complain, he could always bring up that little issue of vehicular manslaughter and put her in her place, like a husband should. Right?