Summer Luvin, Had Me a Blast...

Aug 18, 2006 22:21

That's Mark Taylor. Just for those of you who were wondering.

I know, I know, I promised pictures of everyone from work, but I wasn't sneaky enough to get them all. Never fear, I'm working the city swim meet tomorow, and most likely, I'll be able to sneak photos of all the kids. Here's the few I have, so you can put faces to the riddiculous stories I've told....

This is Jess and Mark D. Funny story about Mark actually... When I was doing L.I.T. (ha ha Vicki =P) at Huron park, there was this REALLY hot lifeguard that was working the camp swims (Which are HELL btw. Never EVER guard those. Damn kids.) and all the female leaders had huge crushes on him. Well, a year and a half later ( today ) I go to submit my hours for the fall at Huron park, and who do I see?

Hot lifeguard.

Oi. And right as I'm leaving, he speaks up to me.

Hot Life Guard: Hey, you work at Glenforest, right?

Me: er... *is slightly creeped out* yeah....

HLG: Do you know my brother?

Me: O_o??

HLG: Mark. Mark Detz.

Me: OH! Yeah. *then the embarassment sets in, and I race out*

Oh man, I had a crush on my coworker's brother. Oi. In my defense, they look NOTHING alike, and I knew the older one first. =_="

That's a random story from my day XD. Moving on....

Mark T and Amy. (Amy was avoiding the camera, and I had to be super sneaky. Go me.)

Actually, Steph, you might remember her, appearently she knew Elaine way back in the day. She's also a music kid, like you =P and is in love with Mrs.BK. We've had many a amusing convo about the various people we both knew from Woodlands.

Mike! Ha ha, he's very funny, and very nice. He's been my acting pretty much all this summer.

And finally, Kristina. She's so cool, she's got the best guard shirts EVER, with all these crazy designs that make me so jealous (Madagascar being one of them. Hee hee Ica XD) She works at Cawthra during the year, so if you see her, give her a shout, homies.

Thats all I have for now... and I blame this post entirely on Irmeen and Chris. Irmeen, because she left before I could show her the pictures properly, and Chris, because he turned me into the new-cell-phone-whore that I am.

Well, I need to go sleep, I've got citi swim tomorow. Boo-urns.

♥ Divi.

P.S. Good luck on the SFA recert Ani-face!

work, pictures

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