Oct 01, 2004 23:08
...I've just been doing a pretty good impression of it.
I do apologize for rather abruptly leaving fandom. And a really big apology to Laura. Part of it is a big delay in getting my messages and the rest is ...well, I don't have much of an excuse. But here goes. It's not an excuse, but just to catch everyone up...
Things started getting weird last spring. I was having problems with my eyes and I was getting headaches a lot. After several months of the kind of runaround that only the health profession in America can give, I was finally diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Now, I'm fine. I can walk and everything. I don't feel sick. It's been more of a headache than a true pain. But, learning that I had an incurable disease kind of weirded me out a bit. Add to that that this all started around the time that my mom's insurance was going to drop me for not being a full-time student anymore. So, I'm back in school as an accounting major. As much as I hate to think that I might be suited to being an accountant, I'm actually pretty good at it so far. And my co-op adviser is working on helping me get something full-time with benefits since I can't stay on my mom's insurance at all past next May.
But, yeah. Moroseness has started to get boring, so I'm going to try to pull my head out of the sand and be a trifle more sociable. That and enough people have bugged me about where I've been. :-)
I haven't been fic-reading much lately. Well, not HP. I've gotten back into X-Files and Lone Gunmen a little bit. But, I've heard that Regann finished Heart Over Mind so I may have to check that out. It's been so long I'll have to start over.
So, I'm still here and (despite the general woe-is-me attitude of this post) I'm ok. I have missed everyone a great deal. I might jump into the WIKTT chat this weekend so maybe I'll see some of the old crowd there.
And I really, really, really, really, hope that that narrow, idiotic, redneck twat doesn't get re-elected! I'm not all about Kerry, but I'm still voting for him. It's just a shame that the democratic party has become the party of "anybody-but-Bush".