Wish I had an Angel

May 05, 2007 14:22

Title: Wish I had an Angel
Author: Divia
Chapter: 4
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I'm poor, don’t sue me, not mine etc. etc.
Pairings: James Norrington/Elizabeth Swann/Will Turner
Summary: Elizabeth is having doubts about her upcoming marriage to Will Turner. Can Miss Swann live as a blacksmith's wife?
Status: incomplete

Elizabeth gazed into the dress shop’s window. A new light blue striped silk had just arrived with lace sleeves. Elizabeth longed to have. James always said blue looked becoming on her. Somehow, she would have to ask her father for the gown. If she begged, and whined a little he may give in. He had been known to do so once or twice before.

“Isn’t it remarkable? It is the prettiest thing I have seen in months.” Elizabeth could not take her eyes off the dress. Pirate activity was unusually high lately, and few supplies were arriving in Port Royal.

“It’s a dress.” Will fanned himself with his enormously large hat. “Elizabeth we have been looking in windows for over an hour. Are you going to buy anything?”

She opened her purse and peered in. “I’m afraid I do not have enough.”

Will propped himself up against the glass. “Ask your father for the money. He will give it to you.”

“He’s limited my spending. Father believes I spend too much on dresses,” Elizabeth lied. She could never tell her finance the true reason why he was no longer allowing her to charge dresses. “That dress would be perfect for the Bradley’s picnic.”

At once his eyebrows knitted together. “What picnic? I wasn’t invited to the …whoever’s picnic.”

“Oh.” Elizabeth colored. At once she knew she had said too much, and regretted it. Quickly, she tried to mend the situation. “Well maybe it was just an oversight.”

“Indeed.” Will stood up and put his hat on. “I’m being ignored by all your friends and, you continue to go to these parties without me.”

“I thought you hate parties.”

“I hate being ignored.”

“I’m sorry. Shall I talk to Mrs. Bradley? I’m sure if I mentioned you she would…”

“No!” he protested as two elderly women walked past. Both gave him rude glances. “That would make matters worse. I know when I am not wanted.”

“Lower your voice,” she snapped in a hushed voice. “You are making a scene, and it’s not becoming.” Elizabeth took a deep breath to steady her nerves. “I have known Mrs. Bradley for the majority of my life. I can ask her, and I’m sure she will say yes. In fact, I am sure she will be embarrassed by the oversight.”

Her eyes went to the gown again. “And my friends have not ignored you. Besides, why can’t you let me enjoy these few last parties? When I am married to you I won’t be able to go to balls.”

“I’m sorry if marrying me has become a burden.”

Elizabeth turned. “I never said such a thing.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be cross. But I see you looking at expensive dresses, and I know I can’t give them to you. I don’t have the money, and I probably never will.” He stepped forward, and wrapped his arms around her small waist. “But I love you.”

“Unhand me.” She struggled against his embrace, looking over her shoulder to see her maid’s shocked expression. Elizabeth hoped Estrella would not go home, and tell her father. “It isn’t proper. People will talk.”

At once he released Elizabeth, and stepped away. “You have no quarrel with me touching you when we are alone.”

“That’s quite different.” Elizabeth pointed her parasol at the busy street. “You cannot do it on the street in the middle of the day. What will people say?”

“I’m sick of hearing about what other people will say. And I can’t stay and drool over dresses anymore. I have work to do. Good-bye.” Will walked away without offering to escort Elizabeth home. She grunted, placed her parasol above her head, and began to walk towards her father’s plantation. Estrella was four paces behind.

Upon returning home, Elizabeth searched the house for her father, but he was nowhere to be found. To her amazement he was sitting in the garden with an empty expression on his face. He seemed lost in his thoughts, and when she came up to him he did not notice her presence. She sat next to him, and took his hand.

“You’re cold.”

“It’s nothing.” He smiled to reassure his only child. “I was thinking about how pretty Port Royal is. I daresay this is the prettiest garden I have ever seen. Your mother would have loved it.”

Elizabeth squeezed his hand tightly, and then rested her head on his shoulder. It was sad to hear him speak of her mother. She vaguely remembered her mother, but Elizabeth knew her parents were in love.

“It’s almost tea time,” Elizabeth closed her eyes. “Shall we take it out here?”

“No, I think we should go in. There is a chill in the air. I would like a moment to think.”

“Please don’t be long.” Elizabeth kissed his cheek. As she walked up the stone path, Elizabeth stopped and looked back at her father. There was no wind. The day was warm and pleasant.
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