Apr 12, 2010 21:45

Alright, alright... [Lets not get squirted again.]

Out of curiosity. Say you tossed something overboard... or even fell off the ship, something like that. Would you actually be able to swim in that water, or disappear somewhere, or... hell, who knows. Enough weird shit happens on this boat.

[Not to say he's been thinking about trying to leave. ( Read more... )

drinking every night ain't cutting it, still not feeling social, tired of that awful noise, not even hypothetical enough

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[text] meinxxherz April 13 2010, 02:02:55 UTC
[Herz is using text in the hope that, maybe, it won't be such a kick in the gut to Keats if he lends a helping hand.]

theres cold mediscen in the bazaar; deck 8. gt the night time stuff and that'll help you sleep. nyquil tastes nasty but its powerful


[text] diverged_fate April 13 2010, 02:07:47 UTC
[He's surprised to see this, that's for sure. And borderline worried at the way it 'sounds.']

You can't sleep either?


[text] meinxxherz April 13 2010, 02:12:53 UTC
[...holy crap.

He actually responded.

Does he...not know Herz's id code? Wouldn't surprise him, but...

The thought that Keats may actually be getting over what happened last month fills Herz with excitement. God knows he's missed him, as a friend if nothing else.]

having truoble yeah, but that stuff and playing music helps.


[text] diverged_fate April 13 2010, 02:18:21 UTC
... is anything else wrong? I heard a couple people got killed over...whatever this is.

[He's not sure he's over it. Not sure at all, but he's at least willing to talk again.]

You tried vodka? Helped me for a few nights, then I got tired of that kinda hangover every morning.


[text] meinxxherz April 13 2010, 02:25:57 UTC
yeah ironhide and zeke but they were trying to figure out ho w to sto the screaming

[Braver than him.

...yeah, okay, now how to approach the alcohol issue. Usually, Herz sure wouldn't mind some vodka, but he hasn't had anything to drink since the night he stabbed Leo...for...obvious reasons.

He's not about to tell Keats that--well, not any more than he already has, not over an open channel. So that leaves...lying or bending the truth. Easily done with text.]

yeah i tried that.


[text] diverged_fate April 13 2010, 02:39:03 UTC
Is that actually a person...? Doesn't sound like it's stopped yet, so...what even killed those guys?

[This is what he gets for paying only minimal attention to things. Not like he wanted to get involved...]

It gets old after awhile. Even coffee doesn't make the next day much better, after a week of that.


[text] meinxxherz April 13 2010, 02:43:38 UTC
ja k siad the ceiling caved in

did you take an y pain meds for the hnag over? ibprofen/?


[text] diverged_fate April 13 2010, 03:03:13 UTC
That's...random. You'd think that Captain's playing a trick or something...

Tylenol and a lot of coffee. ... You don't have to worry about it. I'll be fine.


[text] meinxxherz April 13 2010, 03:04:48 UTC
you know maybe the captain is just fcking withh use again. i wouldn't be surprised

im glad tohear that


[text] diverged_fate April 13 2010, 03:07:36 UTC
So... [Well, what to say now? He could easily end the conversation right here, but he wants to say more for some reason.]

Everything else alright with you?


[text] meinxxherz April 13 2010, 03:14:47 UTC
[Okay, no way of denying it now. Keats knows who this is.

Thank GOD they can still communicate. Christ, he was totally sold to the idea they'd never talk again!

...hey, that means sticking his neck out actually paid off!]

i'm great

[...Herz, did you forget the screaming?]

well tired i gess
been better

hpw are you outside tired and curious ?


[text] diverged_fate April 13 2010, 03:23:00 UTC
Same here, I guess...

[Okay it takes him a minute to try and interpret that last part.]

Just... could be better, doing my usual thing. Nothing too crazy.


[text] meinxxherz April 13 2010, 15:34:20 UTC
[Ten months here and he still types like a drunkard. Sorry!

...he should probably not ask what could make it better. He'll look clingy--scare Keats off again. Yeah, don't ask. Let it hang.]

yknow where its hard to hear her? tje arcade its on decks 8. its a good time waster too


[text] diverged_fate April 14 2010, 02:58:14 UTC
[Keats isn't bothered... it's just making him wonder if Herz is more exhausted than he sounds, or sick.]

Arcade, huh? Never went there... that's video games, right?


[text] meinxxherz April 14 2010, 03:53:28 UTC
yupp and they all are really loud so it droowns her out

[No, texting just feels less personal than holding a conversation verbally.]


[text] diverged_fate April 15 2010, 19:00:23 UTC
Haven't even seen a game since I was a kid. Maybe I'll go look.


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