Jul 01, 2005 18:31
W.I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
-what do you notice first?- body
-makes you smile]: i dunno
-who gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: hee hee
-who do you have a crush on]: kelli
-W H O-
[is easiest to talk to]: chester my hamster
[are your best friends?]: paul, josh, the swim team, jonah, hayden, chris, alex, alex
[do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?]: no
W.H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: a guy from little ceasers
[you instant messaged]: steve garceau
[you laughed with]: jenna
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[could you live without the computer?]: heck no are u kidding
[what's your favorite food?]: oh umm this is a har-STEAK
[favorite fruit?]: STEAK
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional
[trust others easily?]: depends on who it is
-N U M B E R-
[of hearts i have broken?]: hopefully none!
[of drugs taken illegally?]: oh u know just a lot... jk i will never ever do drugs in my life. too many risks.
[of tight friends?]: a few
[of cd's that i own?]:15 or 16
[of scars on my body?]: hang on....... 26 that i can remember and count
[of things in my past that i regret?]: none..?
[i know]: I have been saved
[i want]: money
[i have]: no money
[i wish]: i had money
[i hate]: cats and pro b-ball
[i miss]: amanda
[i fear]: the dark
[i hear]: bethany on the fone with steve
[i search]: money
[i love]: music!god!friends!
[i care]: people
[i always]: breathe
[i cry]: when i get super duper sad or angry
[i confuse]: bethany
[i can usually be found]: at home
[i need]: money
-ARE YOU A...-
[wuss]: sometimes
[gang member]: yuppers dOOd. jk i'd be killed so freakin fast
[daydreamer]: on occas......
[freak]: all teh time
[brat]:nope i'm a hotdog
[sarcastic]: ya!
[goody-goody]: heck no
[talkative]: nope
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
[where is your favorite place to shop]:any where except hollister abercrombie and american eagle
[any tattoos or piercings]: all over. jk none
s p e c i f i c s
[Where do you want to get married?]: i have no say its whatever my wife wants and that sucks
[what kind of shampoo do you use?]: the kind that washes ur hair
[how many buddies are online right now?]: 17
[what would you change about yourself?]: my face to look good with long hair
f a v o r i t e s
[color]: purple
[boys names]: mark
[girls names]: katie
[subjects in school]: blah
[animal]: wolf
[sports]: diving pole vault water polo football anything except pro b-ball
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
[given anyone a bath?]: not that i can remember
[bungee jumped?]:want to so bad
[made yourself throw up?]: nope
[skinny dipped?]: heck yes i felt so free lol
[been in love?]: no
[made yourself cry to get out of trouble?]: mayba
[cried when someone died?]: ya
[lied]: oh ya
[fallen for your best friend?]: in love? no i've tripped over them if thats what u mean
[been rejected?]: probably yes
[rejected someone]: ya...
[used someone?]: don't think so
[done something you regret?]: nope
c u r r e n t
[clothes]: track T-shirt and shorts
[music]: seether
[make-up]: oh u know all of that mascarade and blesh and eyelid cover
[annoyance]: my itchy ear
[smell]: nothing
[favorite artist]: toby mac
[favorite group]: seether, green day, queen, system of a down, shinedown, d.c. talk, kutless, pillar
[desktop picture]: picture drawn by my lil sis on word art
[cd in player]: dunno
[color of toenails]: the noraml color?
l a s t | p e r s o n
[you touched]: callie
[hugged]: dunno
[you imed]: steve
[you yelled at]: jenna
a r e | y o u
[understanding]: i dunno i understand myself
[open-minded]: more like empty-minded
[arrogant]: no silly
[insecure]: who's watching me? no
[interesting]: uh
[random]: u could say so
[hungry]: nope just had pizza
[smart]: well i guess
[moody]: on occasion
[hard working]: depends on what i'm workin on
[organized]: i like to think i am
[healthy]: i'm not sick if thats what u mean
[shy]: sometimes
[difficult]: i don't know u tell me
[bored easily]: ya
[messy]: yes
[responsible]: i think so but my parents think differently
[obsessed]: diving diving diving... heck no... diving diving diving
[angry]: at imbisuls
[sad]: no
[happy]: sure if u say so
[trusting]: yes
w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
[kill]: no body comes to mind at the moment
[slap]: i don't hit girls and slapping a guy is kinda gay if u ask me
[look like]: i look like guess who!... nathan day! i'm so happy because he's so famous and awesome. i wann be just like him when i grow up
[all i need is]: lots of things
there ya'll go thats me. hope ya enjoyed
love ya'll