(no subject)

Nov 06, 2009 17:37

Hallo, Dive. My absence from AIM1 and lack of tagging have probably been quite obvious lately: I have hit end of year exams. I've had two over this week and they've both sucked; my hardest (and thankfully last) is in just under a week.

So with apologies to those I'm logging with, I'm going to put my characters on data freeze for the next six days including today2. I love you all, but you are very distracting even when I just keep F5ing my flist and watching your awesome logs instead of tagging, sigh. D:


1 I am still available via e-mail, private messaging, and YouTwitFace Live...aka my other profiles everywhere.
2 I will, however, still tag the Jeremy log. For my other ongoing threads, like the other invasion threads and Halloween, I am happy to negotiate what may have happened (via the above, or here) so that your characters are not plotlocked.
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