(no subject)

Nov 06, 2011 02:32

Who: Daira, Alec, parental units later
What: Something is wrong with Daira, but no one really knows what...
When: November 7th, afternoon
Where: Axyori Elementary, Axyori

Daira had been quieter than usual since Halloween had come and gone. Trick or Treating with Alec's family had been fun, as had the sleepover and subsequent gorging one's self on far too much candy, but it seemed since then he had just become listless and withdrawn. Dart and Daisuke had their concerns, naturally, but when he insisted he was fine and just worn out from the holiday and school they left him alone verbally, all the while keeping a close watch on him silently. He knew they were watching, though, and in a rather foolish effort to make them worry less, he tried his hardest to keep behaving as normal as possible whenever they were around.

At school, though, it was getting harder and harder to keep up that ruse. He was barely attentive during class time, hardly ate during lunch, and had been sitting against the wall away from the other children during recess. Teachers were even starting to notice that he was becoming noticeably pale and just how much his apatite had been waning in the days since Halloween. When he asked he game them the same "I'm fine" story he gave his parents and at most he would say he had a stomach ache from time to time.

He figured it was the flu, or something else, and that he'd get over it like any other kid did when that sort of thing happened, but a week had passed - over a week, really - and he was only getting worse.

The lunch hour had rolled around with him having to be shook awake by his teacher who instantly voiced her concern over his appearance, wondering aloud if she should call his parents. He waved her off and said some lame story about not getting enough sleep and slipped off to lunch as quick as he could make his heavy legs move. He found Alec, chipper as ever, and sat down next to him with his lunch. Alec instantly launched in to some story about a cave he'd found and how he wanted to explore it, but today Daira was without his usual quips and comments over how his adventures seemed to have a way of getting them in to trouble. In fact he could hardly hear Alec, his attention fading in and out as he stared lifelessly at his food.

What was wrong with him? Why wasn't he getting any better? He didn't know, but he was starting to wonder if he should tell some one after all...

character: alecswonderland, location: axyori, character: draw_with_light

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