Who: Roxy Rocket [Open]
What: When the roller coaster runs out.
When: September 9th
Where: The streets of Tetha
The nights in Tetha were already getting cool. The float island had always been windy and cooler then many other places in the digital world, but at high speeds it was even colder.
Roxy's bomber jacket kept her warm as the night scratched at her cheeks and gave her a rosy glow. She could hear the roaring of an engine behind her warning her that if she were to slow, to alter her path just slightly she would be crushed.
A massive vehical thundered behind her, almost a tank but so much faster with a lunitic in a fedora behind the wheel.
Roxy gave him a little wave with her fingertips as she took a turn entirely too sharp and blasted out of the city into the fields.
"You've got no where to run now Rocket!"
"Who's running?" Roxy called back as she saw her destination in sight.
The car behind her realized all too late what her plan was, and both of them went flying off the edge of Tetha sailing into the night sky.
Kicking off of her bike Roxy spread her arms wide and began to fall. For the first time since that hospitalization she felt the fluttering in her stomach of adrenaline...
...and something else. Pain. Her eyes snapped open wide and the stars and moon above her went blurry. She doubled up clutching at her chest as a feeling like fire burned inside her. Right along where she had been nearly gutted by that monsterous Digimon.
This wasn't supposed to be happening, this was supposed to be the fun part! This wasn't even the fun kind of pain!
The roar of the detective and his massive car that had been chasing her vanished into the darkness plummeting to the forest below, but Roxy couldn't even savor that as she began to tumble wildly out of control. With this pain in her chest she could focus on nothing else.