(no subject)

Aug 28, 2011 12:50

Who: Duo, Haku, Sam (Puckett), Kentarou, [Open to friendlies]
What: Jake is poking people with the proverbial stick. Some one has to keep Duo from doing something stupid. Again. Luckily Haku had a feeling something like this might happen...
Where: Magical Tea Shop, Axyori Branch
When: Aug 27th 2011

The door to the office at the tea shop had been closed ever since Duo had come in to work earlier in the day, which was unusual for him since he had always been a very hand on manager, usually out helping serve or talking with the customers, regardless of how many staff were on the floor. A few times Kentarou and Sam had knocked on the door to find out if he was alright, but all they got was a short answer of 'I'll be out later' with no further explanation.

It was worrisome, especially since Kentarou had made note of one of the posts on the network that day. He couldn't remember what it had to do with Duo specifically, but he did know that the person in question was a wanted criminal now.

If Takeshi wasn't still recovering he might have actually done something about it himself. His last failed solo attempt as Duklyon Red had taught him a valuable lesson about looking before leaping, though, and he wasn't about to leave Sam to deal with the cafe on her own even if it wasn't all that busy.

Some time after noon, a motorcycle pulled up to the front, and the entry bell rang a few seconds later. Haku pulled off her helmet, shaking her hair out as she put on a clearly forced smile to Kentarou and Sam. She knew what was going on, and after trying to reach Duo on his D-Comm without success, she figured a direct approach was the better way.

"Hey Mrs. Onizuka," Sam greeted from the counter, "Can I get you something?"

"No, thank you, Sam. And you don't have to call me that, you know."

"Why not? It's all like... respectful and crap, right? Isn't that why Ken calls you 'san' or whatever it is?"

"Well yes, but it's not like we're strangers..." Haku answered, glancing at the office door worriedly. Sam followed her gaze.

"He's been in there all day. What's going on? Do you know?"

"I do. But it's probably better if you don't..."

That earned a scowl from Sam, but she didn't push the issue. Kentarou poked his head up from the serving window that opened in to the kitchen with a confused look, but he didn't say anything either, simply sharing a look with Sam as Haku went to the door to knock on it.

"I said I'll be out later," Duo called from inside.

"Duo... it's Haku."

Silence followed her statement for a few seconds, but then the door opened, Duo greeting the small Vocaloid with a scowl as he looked down at her.

"What?" he snapped, earning a wince from her. She didn't say anything, instead hugging him tightly. The gesture completely disarmed him, his expression softening until he hugged her back with a wary sigh. "... sorry..."

"You're not going to do anything... are you?"

"... no. I won't."



"Okay. Good."

"Hey, boss," Kentarou piped up from the kitchen, "You gonna be okay?"

Duo huffed quietly, rubbing the back of his neck after he released Haku from the hug. "Yeah. I'm fine."

"I can stay and help out here if you want? I don't work today."

"Psh... sure, why not. Grab an apron, you can help Ken with the pastries."

"Is he still making them explode with too much filling?" Haku asked with a teasing smile as she went to put an apron on and join the teen in the back. Kentarou's cheeks puffed out in protest.

"I'm not that bad!"

"Says the guy who nearly took himself out with the blender a few weeks ago!" Sam chimed in, getting a laugh from Haku. Their chattering went on, all three surprisingly cheerful for how the day had started. Duo listened to them distantly, though his gaze was out the big bay window to the street beyond the tea shop. Chances were, even if something drastic happened that day, there was no chance they were done with Jake. But for the time being they could at least pretend there was still some normalcy in their life, even if that normalcy was something as simple as making pastries and cracking jokes at one another.

character: dontspeakofit, character: batmanmecha, location: axyori, character: fairytaleweaver, character: duklyon_red, character: drunkkareoke, character: courageousfirst

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