Who: Hikari-Asakura Hoshi, Onizuka Haku, and Onizuka Eikichi.
What: Springing a shaman out of the hospital!
When: May 15th, 2011. Late afternoon.
Where: Asuka Hospital, later a resort.
It seemed like Hoshi was steadily improving from the state that she was in previously. She even felt like she could tell Ryuunosuke and the rest of her friends some of what happened. She could at least move her arms and legs with somewhat less difficulty, as well.
For now, though, she was gazing out of her window, lost in her thoughts.
"I think I'm ready," she spoke evenly, a smile still spread on her lips. Today was, after all, the day she'd be leaving the hospital, and she put her full faith in Haku to make sure it all went smoothly.
... or as smoothly as it could with Onizuka involved.