
May 13, 2011 22:48

Who: Slade, Silverwing
What: Mama Bear's calling you out!
When: May 1st [backdate] after sunset
Where: Axoryi Docks
A long time coming. )

location: axoryi: docks, character: scrapperzen, character: whoisslade

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scrapperzen May 14 2011, 05:03:24 UTC
Silverwing had interacted with Slade before. It had been in her secret identity, in the effort to rescue her student from Tetha. She had, of course, dozens upon dozens of charms and illusions in place to make her heroic identity noticeably different from her mundane one. However, she supposed it had been enough to give her the barest insight into his character.

Which was one reason why she hadn't wanted to do this. He WAS dangerous, and if not for her foresight, he could probably make very short work of her if he decided he wanted to. Her powers afforded her considerable leeway there, but she still had no illusions that she would probably not be able to beat him if it came down to a fight.

Fortunately, he would be just as unlikely to lay a hand on her.

When the sun dipped below the horizon, Silverwing came flying down to the docks. He'd beaten her there by only a couple of minutes, it seemed. And he seemed to be waiting for her. It was either a trap, or he was just as willing to talk as she was. That darn newspaper had sensationalized things far too much...

"Slade," she said, hovering down to the docks with her arms crossed. "I'm glad you came."

She was entirely certain that there were people waiting in the shadows that she hadn't seen. Nobody could resist a publicized fight between a hero and a villain, and she'd be the one with the target on her back here.


whoisslade May 14 2011, 05:07:19 UTC
"When I'm summoned by such a well publicized hero, how could I refuse?" His voice was cold and flat with a hint of sarcasm. He didn't bother to turn and face her. Did he even regard her as a threat?


scrapperzen May 14 2011, 05:14:49 UTC
"Fair enough," Silverwing replied, uncrossing her arms and hovering behind him. "Shall we continue to play the game that you've been playing since you've been here, or can we just cut to the chase? I'd really rather not drag this out long enough for the media to realize the misdirection. Sending them on a wild goose chase will only last so long."

The threat of an audience seemed to be more of an issue to her than Slade himself. She wasn't the least bit put off by him, but she didn't want to insult him, either. From everything she'd heard from the others... Beast Boy, Duela, even a passing mention from See-more when he'd still been with them, she knew that Slade was not a man to be trifled with.

But she had gone toe to toe with Lord Nemesis in the past. She was no shrinking violet herself.


whoisslade May 14 2011, 05:18:34 UTC
"As I recall, you asked to see me. So there's nothing stopping you from speaking your piece." Slade pointed out still not moving. His posture was perfect, his gaze solid and stoic. He never wavered, one could hardly tell he was breathing.


scrapperzen May 14 2011, 05:34:59 UTC
Silverwing looked thoughtful for a moment, and then she hovered up beside him, just outside of the reach of a typical blade. She gazed out at the ocean with him as she got a feel for the game, and she had no intention of being dragged into a different one. "You know that I'm getting tired of seeing my allies being treated as pieces on your board," she told him. "I'm asking nicely for you to leave them alone. Most of the people you're interacting with can't hold a candle to you."


whoisslade May 14 2011, 05:40:29 UTC
Slade didn't even move, as if he'd expected her to move in.

"I'm afraid I can't honor that request." He responded with about as much interest as mentioning the weather would be poor tomorrow. "Though perhaps if you go ask every other criminal very nicely to stop and they do I'll reconsider."


scrapperzen May 14 2011, 05:54:32 UTC
"I did," Silverwing commented, staring out over the ocean. "And she did. You put her in the hospital, I might add."

She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, otherwise not moving. "I am not happy about that, by the way," she said.

She returned her gaze to the ocean, brushing it off. "I'm giving you a chance, Mister Slade," she said calmly. "I've looked the other way because you're one man in a world with far too many criminals. Your aspirations are not a threat, given what I know of your talents. You could be causing so much more pain than you are, very easily. You are, for the lack of a better description, too little trouble for me to stop in the grand scheme of things. But I will protect my allies, and if your aims continue to put you after them, then I will have to take them time to dissuade you."


whoisslade May 14 2011, 06:01:34 UTC
"I think you'll find the business she attacked were entirely legal." Slade argued without much passion, "Well within their rights to produce the weapons and materials they had. And as for the consequences of her actions?" There was a pause to punctuate the point, "Trespassers will be dealt with accordingly."

The water lapped gently at the dock and a slight breeze blew from behind them racing out to sea.

"My affairs are my own, and should those you care about be unfortunate enough to fall in my path...well some people simply aren't cut out for this life. It can be so full of danger and risk."

Now he was just mocking her. Rude.


scrapperzen May 14 2011, 06:30:05 UTC
"Malta Group. The Nemesis Army. The Council. Crey Industries. All of them operate legitimate, legal businesses," Silverwing observed. "I really don't think you want someone who is cut out for this life looking into it."

She wasn't the least bit put off by his mocking, in fact she didn't seem to pay it any mind. "I will be advising her to file a suit for maimery, pain, and suffering," she added almost casually. "Businesses are not given license to maim trespassers, Mister Slade. The law provides businesses the barest right of detention, and only when the proper authorities are alerted. I would think that you would know that."


whoisslade May 14 2011, 06:35:35 UTC
"Somehow I can't imagine them being too terribly concerned with a lawsuit from a well known criminal." Slade responded coolly. "But good luck never the less."

"If that's all you came for I'm sorry to leave you disappointed. I'm sure a clever girl like you never expected me to comply though. Perhaps there was that part of you that was pleased when I didn't. The same part of you that wishes I would lash out so you'd have yet another excuse to take revenge for those who have suffered by my hand?"


scrapperzen May 14 2011, 06:41:57 UTC
"You'd be amazed," Silverwing commented idly. "I can't tell you how much my insurance has had to pay out to criminals injured in the commission of their crimes."

She turned her back to him completely and gaze at the warehouses lining the docks, as if she weren't concerned. Who was mocking who, now?

"But regardless, Mister Slade, a hero that seeks revenge has no business being a hero. I respect you as a gentleman, so I thought that I would give you the opportunity to back off, before I had to go digging," she said softly. "But I must say, your behavior today has been less than gracious. Perhaps I'd given you too much credit. A shame, really. I had such high hopes..."


whoisslade May 14 2011, 06:47:43 UTC
To this...Slade actually chuckled.

That was a first.

"Don't disrespect us both by your words. If you're as self aware and intelligent as you make yourself appear you've long since come to terms with your more basic human instincts. You are no perfect goddess. You are as flawed and open to emotional weaknesses as the rest of us."

A pause as the ocean seemed to applaud their back and forth with it's lapping clapping sounds.

"Perhaps even more open to it, as you've taken so many under your wing so to speak. And each time one of them suffers it becomes harder and harder to maintain those restricting morals you cling to like life lines."


scrapperzen May 14 2011, 06:59:03 UTC
"Who is being disrespectful here?" Kat asked, still looking away from him. "My flaws are self-evident, but lamenting that which is beyond my control? Do you think so little of me, Mister Slade? If you did, you wouldn't have come here to meet me, I would think."

She finally turned her head to look over her shoulder at him. "We've both played this game for some time. I can no more prevent the injury of every person in the world than you could cause it. We all have our limits," she said plainly. "And you and I know ours. Do you really think I would have come here with the intention of talking if I couldn't operate within the bounds of my own morals? No, those that I teach must learn their own lessons. All I can do is stand back and watch, most of the time. My own tasks do not allow me to do more. Most of the time."

She looked away again. "If either of us is having a hard time of things though, I would think it to be you. I cannot imagine the frustration you must feel facing off against those so inferior to you, time and time again. Where is the challenge, the sense of accomplishment?" she asked in rebuke, not even trying to hide it. "The finest marksman would find no pleasure in shooting fish in a barrel."


whoisslade May 14 2011, 07:05:05 UTC
"Defeat is hardly ever the true goal." He answered leaving the interpretation up to her.

"The only way for you to stop me at this point would be to strike first and to make it count. If we part ways this night and someone else you care about should suffer..."

Blame him as much as the world liked, she would still be partially responsible.


scrapperzen May 14 2011, 07:12:40 UTC
Silverwing said nothing for a moment, then she turned and hovered before him. She placed her palm on his chest, and she smiled. "Mister Slade, has that line ever worked?" she asked, blatantly invading his personal space. "I am not some child who has just donned the mask, and it kinda embarrasses me that you would think that it would."

She didn't move away from him, simply giving him a sweet, undisturbed smile. "I can't control your deeds, any more than I could stop the sun from rising," she added. "And you think that I don't know that I can't beat you in a straight fight? I'm hurt..."


whoisslade May 14 2011, 07:17:20 UTC
His eye narrowed, he did not appreciate this sudden turn in conversation a bit.

Taking her wrist he removed it like it disgusted him and he turned to leave, "Hide from your concerns however you like then child. I won't waste my time playing your game when there's no incentive."

Apparently that was exactly the wrong thing to do in his book.


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