Who: Fate, Miria, Partners(?).
What: Cleaning out a villain's old abode.
When: March 11th, 2011
Where: Axoryi
"What is taking so long?" Miria muttered as she paced in front of the abandoned facility. The building itself looked harmless enough from the outside. It looked like it might have been a factory or maybe depot at one time. Scans however showed the building's decayed appearance was only surface deep. Behind boarded-up windows were sheets of metal reinforcing the structure of the building. Unfortunately, her sensors were having trouble penetrating any deeper that. They did however, detect scraps of Alyssa's frame that still had VERAM nodules that had yet to self-destruct. That was one of the things that made her sure that Alyssa had been here.
Miria sighed again as she glanced around in the hope of spotting fellow DATS agents arriving.