Who: Sadamitsu, Riza, Hayate?
What: Apologies
When: Monday, March 7th
Where: Hyperion, Riza's apartment
To say Sadamitsu wasn't looking forward to this would be a massive understatement, but he wasn't going to hide behind the fact that the virus had forced him to do what he had done - a woman should never be treated like he had treated Riza, virus or no. He doubted that Riza would want to see his face anytime soon, but they could avoid each other after this. Right now he would apologize and take whatever she threw at him, figuratively or literally.
He waited until he was sure that Riza was the only one in her apartment and steeled himself before walking up and knocking on her door. When she opened it, she would find him bowing very deeply, as he had been since the moment he had knocked.