(no subject)

Dec 05, 2010 19:33

Who: Naughty Bear, [Open to Friendlies and Hostiles.]
What: naughty is looking for his next friend or victim, whichever he finds first.
When: December 05th, 2010
Where: Neon City

Naughty Bear had already made one friend, Ms. Kat. She had been nice to him and even given him cake, something he enjoyed quite a bit. But now he was bored and had decided to search for other people. Several digimon had laughed at him and one even threw a rock at his head. It didn't end well for those digimon. Luckily, no one had seen Naughty since he had been in the factory area of the city. He had found a nice run down factory to sleep in, deciding to not go to the Hyperion right away.

The scoundrel digimon had been throwing rocks through the window of his factory. When Naughty had come out to shoo them away, they laughed and one hit him with a rock! Unfortunately, the factory had a lovely array of weapons, Naughty having chosen a lead pipe. Those mean digimon were now eggs sitting in a crate in his factory.

Naughty was now walking through downtown, black eyes scanning his surroundings. He wondered if he would meet anyone willing to be his friend here. British Bear was sure he could and if they were mean, he told Naughty to just punish them, since he was so good at it.

location: neon city, character: stitch_killer

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