Who: [Open to all, Hostiles needed]
What: Operations T.U.R.K.E.Y
When: Nov 25th, morning
Where: Food Leomon, Neon City
As the swarming masses of last minute shoppers stormed the doors of the Food Leomon one prize was most coveted of all. A rediculously large Turkey, large enough to feed an entire apartment complex and still have leftovers.
Already bought and paid for, panicky employees had declared the Turkey fair game and were cowering under their registers or in the back room as Digimon and Tamer bit and fought for every last can of pumpkin pie filling and every lat bag of rolls.
The Turkey sat in the middle of it all wrapped up with a bow, behind a shatterproof barrier. The only way to nab it would be to place your hand on the pressure plate for a solid ten seconds.
Fortunately for the rightful owner of the bird no one had accomplished that feat, but for how long?