(no subject)

Oct 22, 2010 00:35

Who: Anyone and everyone
What: Creation Day 2010
When: October 22nd, All Day
Where: Albion

Dukemon looked over the city of Albion, which was lit with the golden light of early morning. Though the city was full of people already, and the creation day ceremonies ready to begin, Dukemon couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness over the events that had occured those short few weeks before. In a way, the events of Tetha represented both great victory and absolute defeat. They had removed a great evil, but at the same time, played right into another's hands.

But then again, perseverence and honor were more important now than ever. Lucemon had spoke of Pride... and now it was time to show the difference between that demon's misfocused sin, and the kind of pride that came from both brotherhood and respect for the world they all called home.

He stood on a podium set before his castle, overlooking the courtyard. For once, there was a moment of nervousness, unseen beneath his heavy armor. People had fought. People had suffered.

Certainly, just as with the likes of Kurata, there was a place to point their blame. Yet, it was so much more protracted.

For some, it was more personal.

Dukemon knew that well.

With the loss of Royal Base...

Of TigerVespamon...

In addition to seeking a new Area Leader for Tetha, having not yet heard anything from the Holy Beasts on the matter, they were also looking towards who would replace TigerVespamon. Royal Base was gone, but...

What he stood for, he who would champion for the peace and safety of all in the Digital World... THAT was still needed.

All that would have to wait, though. For the day, it was a time of celebration. Of life, and of freedoms both newfound and maintained.

"Dear brothers and sisters," he spoke, finally, to the crowds. "I, Dukemon, shall keep this relatively brief... This is a day to celebrate. It is a day to be with your friends, your loved ones. To embrace what has been given you. The first Creation Day celebration two years ago was the first in which we were graced with so many of you Tamers... Two years later, you are not merely guests who have been transplanted here via our lord Yggdrasil's will... for many of you, for better or worse, this IS your home."

"All of us are the same. We may hail from different worlds, we may look different... but all of us have the capacity for emotion. We love, we cry, we fight... we continue to survive. Never forget that, and never forget that we are all united by that power - by our emotion. There are those... who may wish to use that against us. To try and twist what we think, what we feel... but we must stay strong. After all we have suffered, we can go beyond that. Some of you well have."

He paused, closing his eyes for a brief moment.

"By that token, it is also a day to remember... and to forgive. TigerVespamon gave his life so we could survive to see this day, and we should honor him by living by that example. Tetha soldiers whom you fought should not be seen in any more ill a light than they should look upon you. We now know that each and every one of us was being strung along by forces far greater than we can even combat now..."

"Thus, we must be vigilant! We must be strong! I, Dukemon, know you will be. We WILL continue to create a better world, and we WILL emerge into tomorrow better people. TigerVespamon had this faith in you... and I, Dukemon, have it as well."

He took a step back. "With all that said, I welcome all in this world to Albion, on this day of the Digital World's creation. Please, enjoy yourselves, my friends. You have earned it."

[ooc - Most all in the Digital World are well and welcome, but keep in mind this is a peaceful event. Anyone causing a ruckus will be dealt with swiftly and severely by patrolling Knightmon. Wanted criminals MIGHT want to be careful about sticking their heads out, though.]
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