(no subject)

Sep 11, 2010 21:23

Who: Duo and Quatre
What: I feel like we've danced this dance before...
When: [[Backdated]] August 18th (After this)
Where: Neon City General Hospital

The past two days Quatre had barely stopped moving. It helped him think if he was active. However he really didn't want to think. Or rather over think. The hospital staff had finally asked him to leave late the night before because he was putting extra stress on the nurses. It was understandable of course, and he'd apologized and gone home. He hadn't slept much, maybe half an hour here, fifteen minutes there, and work had been tortuously boring. When he'd finally managed to escape the bureaucratic stacks of paper, and neatly arranged desks it was much too late for the blond's liking.

Saghid trotted along behind him silently, knowing Quatre was on a thin fuse. They'd gotten to know each other much better over the past few months, which was a relief to both of them. They knew when the other was in a bad mood, or tired, or just needed some time alone. It had greatly reduced their arguments. However the dark cloud that had been hovering over Quatre's mood had only blackened in the past two days. His tamer was very attached to this human - 'friend' - and while the news of tamers and digimon had caused the blond pilot worry, the list of victims had left the blond dangerously silent. He had barely spoken, or rested, and Saghid was beginning to worry about his health.

Once they arrived at the hospital, a nurse gave them a room number and directions down the hall to the elevators. Quatre thanked her politely, then took the stairs up three flights to Duo's room. The lights we're dimmed slightly so he quietly took a seat in the chair next to the bed. He ran a critical and practiced eye over Duo noting the slight hitch in his friend's breathing which was the result of broken ribs.


character: batmanmecha, location: neon city

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