Who: Beastboy, [Open]
What: Power and control.
When: Tuesday the 22 of June [Backdated]
Where: Tetha City General Hospital
The battle field exploded around him as energy, bullets and elements were sent screaming at him.
But he was powerful, he was deadly, he had no concern for tiny things like pain.
A dark smooth figure danced through the crowd lashing out and slaughtering enemies left and right. She was a Goddess of death and he...
...he was death with green fur.
A roar that shook the very bones of his foes, massive claws ripping and tearing through body armor and flesh. Screaming, the scent of blood mingling with burnt hair and gunpowder.
And someone was screaming.
Lashing out he couldn't find the source of the screaming, it was faint and growing fainter.
It was him.
Beastboy lay shaking in his bed, the nightmare was starting to effect his body, heart rate rising, the steady beep beep beep of the monitors began rattling out faster.
He had been upgraded from a breathing tube to a mask this morning and the mask was fogging up with his rapid panting breathes. Any more panic and a nurse would be on the way.