
Jun 19, 2010 00:19

Who: The inhabitants of the Silver Dragon and Hinata Inns, the invading forces, others.
What: And the army marches on us, and will will fight on.
When: Friday, June 18th, 2010, 6:30 PM
Where: Tetha, Silver Dragon and Hinata Inns

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character: fedorafan, character: opposingsoul, character: hctiwknip, character: nojuice4kevin, location: tetha: silver dragon, character: badluckbabe, character: shinken_red, character: terra_who, character: shinken_pink, character: accidntlgoddess, character: changelingdude, character: dogsaredelish, location: tetha: hinata inn, character: dive_npc

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dive_npc June 19 2010, 05:36:39 UTC
To say that it was an army was both an exaggeration, and an understatement.

The exaggeration was that it was only a small fraction of Tetha's army. In all, there were 17 squads, composed of anywhere from 18 to 26 individuals. Each squad was led by a perfect level digimon, each with another perfect as second in command. Six Adults rounded out the squad's fire teams, and the rest of each squad were made up of child-level digimon, each of which with combat experience one would not expect of such young-looking digimon.

The understatement came from the fact that while all of those digimon were only a fraction of Tetha's full forces, each squad was marching or flying in near-perfect formation, with weapons at the ready. Their organization was meant to send a message, and the citizens of Tetha certainly got it as ordinary civilians split from their path as though it were a wedge. They were a combat force that had been mobilized for war before, and their sights were now set upon the Silver Dragon and Hinata Inns. That they were visible even at range was no surprise. A force of their size would be visible from the air.

They were still a few minutes out, but that time would pass quickly enough...


opposingsoul June 19 2010, 05:52:06 UTC
A few minutes earlier, Vergil Sparda had been walking past the inns, towards the Magical Tea House. Xellos had actually contacted HIM, with a promise of information, on the condition of meeting in person. He had been suspicious that it was a trap, but there was nothing in this world that he couldn't handle.

The figures that had been moving through the long shadows of the afternoon sun certainly hadn't done anything to calm his nerves. They were doing a good job of hiding, but the murderous intent they held was like the smell of a feast wafting into a demon's nostrils. He was neither surprised nor intimidated by their presence, though he was somewhat insulted.

Beside him, Dracmon was oblivious. The young digimon held one of Jinx's to-go menus in his hands, and he'd spent the entire walk skimming it over. Vergil was tempted to keep walking to this "meeting", if only to teach his partner a lesson, but an ambush like this would serve nobody's purposes. "Dracmon, put that down," he ordered quietly.

"Why, you worried about those chumps that've been following us?" Dracmon asked, without bothering to lower the menu.

Vergil arched his eyebrow slightly. "You noticed them?" he asked.

"A few of them," Dracmon said with good cheer. "I'm not completely helpless, all your training's had to teach me something. So what's the plan?"

"Stop here," Vergil said, coming to a halt and looking down at his partner. "I've counted five following us. More that we've passed."

"I only noticed three following us," Dracmon said, just as quietly. "And nothing about people who aren't following us."

Vergil was silent for a moment, then he shook his head. "This is no trap," he said quietly. "Something else is happening. We're leaving."

"Whatever you say, bossman," Dracmon said, and together they turned and began walking in the other direction.

They hadn't gotten far when both of them noticed the tamers that had been coming out of the Silver Dragon, and Vergil scowled slightly. What was happening became entirely clear to him as he caught sight of the advancing force in the distance. Dracmon saw it too, and he swallowed. "Wow," he said quietly. "That's a lot of guys..."

"Evolve to SangLoupmon," Vergil ordered. "And keep walking. This isn't our business."

Dracmon did as he was told, sparing a glance towards the gathering tamers outside the inn. "Got a plan?"

"If they cross us, I'm going to kill them," Vergil said coldly. "Do you think you can handle an army?"

"No!" Sangloupmon said quickly. "What, you can?!"

"Did I not just say that?" Vergil said in irritation. "You know your limits, then. If fighting starts, leave. I can handle this easily."

"Whatever you say, man," Sangloupmon said with quiet worry.


dive_npc June 19 2010, 06:18:46 UTC
The battalion continued to march forward, seemingly unconcerned with the lone tamer and digimon walking down the street in front of them. Even with the inns behind Vergil, much of the advancing forces' attention focused on him.

A slight commotion filled the front line squad, and after a few moments, a Peckmon swept out of formation and sprinted at double-time down the street towards him. "By the authority of Tetha's military, you are ordered to lay down on the ground and surrender!" it ordered as it reached him, snapping to attention in front of him and staring down at him.

Vergil didn't even miss a step on his way. "I recognise no authority in any world, let alone this travesty," Vergil announced. "You and your army will step aside, or I will sweep you aside. Do not make me say it again."

"I'm not in the habit of repeating myself to fools!" The Peckmon announced. "KUNAI WING!"

It snapped its wing forward, sending several razor-sharp Kunai flying towards Vergil.


[Vergil's Fight] opposingsoul June 19 2010, 06:26:05 UTC
Vergil's hands shot up in a blur. He caught each and every one of the kunai between his fingers, and with a cold glower, he flicked his hands out and sent them each right back into the Peckmon, faster than they'd flown before.

The Peckmon gave a brief scream, before it was cut off as it was reverted to a digiegg. Vergil was unmoved, and he took another step forward. "I'm not in the habit of repeating myself to corpses," he called out, loud enough for most of the Battalion to hear him. "But for the benefit of the living, I will say again. Step aside, let me pass, or I will destroy you. I will not say this again."

With his foot, Vergil pushed the Peckmon egg out of the center of the road, and he lowered his hand to the hilt of Yamato at his side.


Re: [Vergil's Fight] dive_npc June 19 2010, 07:23:49 UTC
When Vergil stepped forward, the entire advancing force paused. At once, there rose a din of shouts as orders began flying through the battalion.

"Don't be stupid! Hold your ground!"

"Fire team one, weapons hot! Advance and eliminate that tamer!"

"Firebird Squad has him! Ignore him, the target is the building behind him!"

The shouts continued, and a team of four Pteranomon broke off from the battalion. The rest of the force moved to continue forward, all but ignoring Vergil except to give him a little space. The Pteranomons' missile attacks would leave a bit of splash damage across the road, after all.

The head of the fireteam was a red tinted Pteranomon, and he sneered down at Vergil from the head of his team in the air. "Right, mop him up and let's get on with this," he said. "SIDEWINDERS! FIRE!"

Each of the armored Digimon launched two missiles from beneath their wings and pulled up and away, leaving Vergil to his fate.


Re: [Vergil's Fight] opposingsoul June 19 2010, 07:38:12 UTC
As it turned out, they should have confirmed their shots.

"Vergil? Which..." Sangloupmon asked, only to be cut off by Vergil.

"The red one. I've got the rest," he said, and his sword flew from its sheath. The missiles that had been bearing down upon him were cut to ribbons, landing all around Vergil in pieces. In the next instant, Sangloupmon burst apart into data, and Vergil vanished from view.

Sangloupmon appeared first, erupting from the Red Pteranomon's shadow and tearing its throat out with his claws. Vergil appeared a second after that on top of the lowest of the other Pteranomon, preceeded by the sound of ringing steel through the air. Much like their missiles, the armored dinosaur digimon began to fall to pieces in midair, save for the one Vergil was on top of. THAT digimon had the unfortunate fate of having Yamato embedded in its back while Vergil rode it to the ground.

Four digitama hit the ground a second later, followed by Vergil and SangLoupmon. Vergil sheathed his blade calmly and looked to his partner, nodding slightly. "That will have done it," he said. "Get out of here."

"Right," SangLoupmon said before bursting apart into data once more.


Re: [Vergil's Fight] dive_npc June 19 2010, 08:14:40 UTC
When the fire team fell, the rest of the battalion actually halted their advance. "Firebird Squad" apparently needed no urging to break from the lines to charge Vergil, intent upon revenge for their fallen comrades. Behind them, the rest of the force realigned to fill the gap that their absence left.

From somewhere in the back, a Silphymon was yelling orders. "Raptor Squad, back up Firebird and take him down! Everyone else, sweep left to fill the holes and watch your flanks! His partner's out there somewhere! We will not let some upstarts distract us from our mission!"

Somewhere along the lines of three-dozen digimon were rushing straight towards Vergil, and the rest of the army was moving to reform their front line. For a brief moment, at the very least, their advance was paused.


Re: [Vergil's Fight] opposingsoul June 22 2010, 06:35:23 UTC
"Fools," Vergil muttered. "I warned you. This is on your heads."

The soldiers were rushing him with their weapons spraying bullets, and Vergil didn't even flinch. The instant the first trigger clicked, Vergil had drawn his sword and begun whirling it like a tornado before him. The bullets flew into the cyclonic whirling of the blade with metallic clinks, and never reached their target. Instead, after only a few seconds of fire, Vergil ceased spinning his blade with one dramatic slice. The bullets that had been meant to kill him were loosed back upon those that had fired them, felling much of Firebird squadron without anything more dramatic than several simultaneous grunts and screams of pain.

He had yet to even move from his spot, and all that remained of Hellfire Squadron was its Garudamon lieutenant, and an Aquilamon. Vergil narrowed his eyes, and beckoned for them expectantly.


Re: [Vergil's Fight] dive_npc June 22 2010, 06:53:16 UTC
Aquilamon cowered back from what he'd just beheld, his wing sporting an injury from a bullet's graze. Garudamon, however, was no so easily swayed. "Death is too good for you, TAMER!" he spat in disgust. "SHADOW WING!"

A great bird of fire erupted from Garudamon's wings, and with a sound like a shrieking cry it was launched toward Vergil.


Re: [Vergil's Fight] opposingsoul June 22 2010, 07:46:24 UTC
Vergil was sliding his blade back into its sheath as though nothing stood before him when Garudamon launched his attack. He'd seen this attack before, and even against the team, it had been little more than an irritant. As the firebird closed on him, Yamato flashed as it was drawn from its sheath and cleaved the attack in twain.

"It always has been," Vergil observed coldly, sliding Yamato into its sheath again. "That's why nobody has killed me yet. You won't be the one to change that."

Garudamon growled at him, and from behind Garudamon came the Raptor Squadron, intent upon wiping Vergil off of the face of Tetha. Their presence just made Vergil scoff in irritation.


Re: [Vergil's Fight] dive_npc June 24 2010, 04:17:47 UTC
"... You're not real," growled Garudamon. "I'LL SEND YOU TO OBLIVION!"

The great eagle screamed and flew down at the ground... not aimed at Vergil, but the ground around him. "BOULDER BREAKER!" the eagle screamed, as his glowing fists slammed into the ground, causing a tremor.

Once Vergil was, hopefully, disoriented by the rumbling ground, four Buraimon of Raptor Squadron arced down, all of them hoping to slash the Tamer with their katanas.


Re: [Vergil's Fight] opposingsoul June 24 2010, 22:36:29 UTC
Vergil saw no further need to speak with anyone of this force. They were so cocksure, so confident in their strength and authority, that they were certain he would fall. There was no reasoning with them, not that he ever bothered to reason with his foes anyway. No, once again he would simply prove them wrong by eliminating them.

The first to be dealt with would be Garudamon, whose plan was clear enough even without announcing his attack. As Garudamon plummeted towards the ground, Vergil dashed beneath him, and punched both arms upwards into his fists. He then twisted his wrists so that he could grab Garudamon by the wrists, and pulled him over his shoulders in a none-too-gentle fireman's carry. This would protect him from attacks that came from above, and as for the Buraimon...

Five translucent blue swords winked into view in a circle surrounding Vergil, and of their own volition they began to spin around him like a buzz-saw. With blades capable of slicing through demon hide, the blades cut through the Samurai birds cruelly, quickly, and with complete ease. Even before the Buraimon could fall, however, Vergil slammed Garudamon back down to the ground and into the path of the blades, leaving him to be sliced to ribbons.

He turned his attention to the rest of the digimon menacing him, and he made a point of yawning with boredom.


Re: [Vergil's Fight] dive_npc June 25 2010, 06:22:30 UTC
Garudamon was, indeed, sliced to ribbons, exploding into data and reforming into a Digi-Egg before he even had the opportunity to scream. The remaining members of the squadron - a Yatagaramon, HippoGryphomon, and two Thunderbirmon - balked in shock for a moment. But... it was a mere moment. Losing pretenses of any sort of strategy, the four Digimon rushed headlong for the Tamer.

Twin cries of, "THUNDER STORM!" sent spiraling funnels of intense wind towards Vergil, lightning racing through them.

It was joined by two other shouts:

"SONIC VOICE!" gave way to a supersonic blast from HippoGryphomon.

And "MIKAFUTSU NO KAMI!" indicated a powerful golden blast of energy from the Yatagaramon's claws.

At once, all four attacks converged towards the son of Sparda.


Re: [Vergil's Fight] opposingsoul June 25 2010, 22:43:45 UTC
"You watch your companions throw their attacks at me with formation and strategy, only to be cut down..." Vergil observed, closing his eyes in the face of the incoming attacks, the translucent summoned blades still spinning around him.

As the wave of imminent devastation bore down upon Vergil, he simply vanished. When he reappeared a moment later, he was twenty feet to the left of where he had been standing, holding the hilt of Yamato and the sheath in his hands. "And this is the plan you come up with. Foolishness!" he taunted.

Even as he spoke, space seemed to be warping between him and his enemies. There was a brief hum accompanying the distortion, and the light and air seemed to bend in not one, but three spheres that drew themselves in a line across the digimon.

Vergil released his attack then. In one instant Yamato was in its sheath, and in the next Vergil held the blade as though he'd just made a gargantuan slice. The spheres collapsed then, the vacuum cuts ripping into all four of the digimon.

Vergil wasn't done, though. The rest of Raptor squadron, child-level digimon far too weak to be on part of the field, needed to be taught the lesson as well. All five of Vergil's blades whipped through the air, forming an arch of blades above his head with their tips aimed into the charging squadron. And Vergil wasted no time or words in sending the blades streaking forward.


Re: [Vergil's Fight] dive_npc June 26 2010, 06:23:52 UTC
While the Digi-Eggs of their higher leveled comrades fell to the street, the Child Digimon raced forward... only to meet a quick, bitter end at the hands of Vergil's flying blades.

Roosting high above a nearby building, though, was yet another, in this case SMALLER, squadron - this one consisting entirely of Cockatorimon. They had one, expressed purpose...

Which was displayed as each one unleashed blasts from their eyes down at the half-demon; beams that would upon impact, turn their petrify their opponents, transforming them into helpless stone.


Re: [Vergil's Fight] opposingsoul June 26 2010, 22:24:11 UTC
Vergil almost didn't notice the petrifying gazes until it was too late. Almost.

At the last possible second, his head whipped to gaze towards the Cockatorimon, and he hurled his body to the side. He landed in a roll and returned to his feet, sprinting towards the building where the Cockatorimon were roosting. "Run, you cowards," he called out in anger. "You have until I get up there to try and save your own lives!"

He reached the side of the building, and started to run up the side of the building, reaching a windowsil, and using it as a stepping stone to leap off of, climbing up the side of the building like some sort of spider.

But even as he was doing this, SangLoupmon appeared from beneath one of the birds with a howl of "BLACK MIND!", his talons shredding through the Cockatorimon's body as he leaped upwards. And even as his attack finished, he vanished from sight once again, leaving a digitama behind him. Vergil landed on the rooftop as the Digitama fell, and he dashed across the rooftop, his blade flashing in the light impossibly fast as he moved.


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