
May 20, 2010 09:40

Who:Dr. Finitevus, Roxy Rocket, Silverwing, partners?
What:A Bank Robbery
When:Backdated May 18th, 2010. Late Evening
Where:Neon City

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character: ultimatethrill, character: scrapperzen, character: warp_ring_tech

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scrapperzen May 21 2010, 04:51:12 UTC
Silverwing and Leomon were both flying a patrol route when the sounds of the explosions ripped through the air. It wasn't exactly subtle, and after the third blast, she'd spun in the air to see where it was coming from.

"Well," she mused briefly. "A bank robbery. I gotta say, it's been a while. You up for stopping this in its tracks, partner?"

Leomon hovered in the air on his white wings, and he gave Silverwing a look. "I'm ready when you are, Ma'am."

"Good," she said, and she raised her D-Comm in her hand. "Fly ahead, come in from above, and watch out for lookouts. I'll be right behind you."

Leomon nodded and he flew ahead of Silverwing. Silverwing, in turn, sent out a quick signal for attention to the Titans' patrol program, logging the robbery in progress at the bank. She then tucked her D-Comm away, and took off like a shot through the air as she flew towards the bank. It didn't take long at all for either of them to get there, and Roxy's enthusiasm had not gone unnoticed.

"Her again," Silverwing muttered, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. "Was wondering when she'd show herself."

"Plan, mistress?" Leomon asked.

"Try to take her off the rocket," Silverwing confirmed. "But don't underestimate her, she's an adrenaline junky and highly acrobatic. She'll be ready for you. And keep watch for her partner."

"Right," Leomon said, and he launched himself through the air towards Roxy.

While he was doing that, Silverwing dove through the air towards the roof and landed in a crouch, inspecting the damage to the bank and trying to run a threat assessment in her head. It was still too early to tell what was going on...


ultimatethrill May 21 2010, 04:55:38 UTC
"Hey it's you!" Roxy cheered spotting Silverwing diving for the bank. Now she was excited. She had so much fun the last time they had tangled.

"ROXY PAY ATTENTION!" Roared Hawkmon in her earpiece. The red haired stuntwoman snapped back into the game and barely avoided Leomon by barrel rolling allowing him to pass over her.

Drawing out her gun she fired a smaller rocket at Silverwing to get her attention, "Hey high flyer! Care for a rematch?" She called.


scrapperzen May 21 2010, 05:25:40 UTC
Leomon swore as he just missed his tackle, and he rolled into a sharp bank to come around. "Come back here!" he bellowed.

Silverwing didn't even lift her head just yet. Even as the rocket hurtled towards her, she remained crouched, looking into the hole. Only with the rocket closed within a couple of feet did she finally, and barely, react.

Her blade simply appeared in her hand, and an instant later she swayed her body slightly to the side and pushed the flat of her blade out into the side of the rocket. A swing would have risked detonation, but a gentle push nowhere near the warhead did little more than send the rocket streaking off-course into the air. She looked up at Roxy as the attack left her behind harmlessly, and she shook her head. "I'd have hoped you'd have stuck to misdemeanors and low grade felonies," she called out, rising into the air again. "But I can see I'm going to have to bring you in."


ultimatethrill May 21 2010, 05:31:50 UTC
"Only if you and your kitty cat can catch me!" Roxy called turning the rocket back upright, "I gotta say of all the heroes I've played with you were the most fun so far!" She gave a salute and took off straight up into the air.


scrapperzen May 21 2010, 06:10:28 UTC
"Pull up," Silverwing muttered to herself, watching Roxy and Leomon together. Roxy took off, and once again Leomon launched past where she'd been flying. To his credit, though, he shot upwards right after her.

Silverwing frowned and looked down into the bank. Something didn't feel right, but... she really couldn't take the time to investigate just yet. Roxy would not be trying this with the same equipment as before, her need for excitement would be bored by that.

And as of yet, there was no sign of Roxy's partner.

"I'll play," Silverwing called out. "But this time, it's for keeps!"

She launched into the air after Roxy at a high rate of speed. Open air was a lot easier to manage than a crowded street, after all.


ultimatethrill May 21 2010, 06:22:15 UTC
Higher and higher she soared feeling the wind on her cheeks and the air whipping her jacket, the pull of gravity constantly threatening to rip her from the rocket and send her tumbling down.

It was a lightly cloudy evening today, spring weather promised a pleasent and mildly breezy day for Neon City residents. It was because of that forecast that Hawkmon had been able to remain hidden this long.

But as Roxy shot past him his chopper peeled out of the cloud it had been hiding in and took off flying in the direction of uptown Neon.

To make matters worse the small chopper had eight canisters of something attached to the struts...clearly something that was added on and not part of the standard helicopter kit.

It didn't help matters that a sharp eye might detect a skull painted on each one.

Roxy continued climbing till she was high enough the air was thin, then she killed the engine, and allowed the Rocket to do one slow flip in the air so she could look down at her pursuers.


scrapperzen May 21 2010, 06:40:00 UTC
Silverwing and Leomon both took notice of the chopper, but when it seemed like both of them were going to ignore it, Silverwing sighed.

"Leomon," she announced. "Break off and target the chopper, I've got Roxy! If you take out the stabilizing fins, she'll have a hard time flying and she'll have to set down!"

"Yes, Mistress!" Leomon replied without complaint, banking to the side and diving after the chopper.

That would have to do, Silverwing reasoned. The helicopter MIGHT be more maneuverable than she'd given it credit for, but at the same time, it didn't seem to fit what she'd deduced after the last time she tangled with Roxy. She wasn't a killer. Of course, that might have been another party and not someone tied to Roxy, but... the odds against that were high.

Leomon would be able down handle that, and likewise, she'd be better suited to the high-mobility aerial combat that Roxy would be throwing at her. And Roxy had yet to see her fighting as she truly was. "What's the matter, hon?" Silverwing called as she shot up, gripping the hilt of her katana tighter. "Going to stall out and fall? There's no fun to that! Give me your engines and show me another game of chicken, or quit wasting my time! This can't even be getting your motor to turn over yet, let along really get it running!"


ultimatethrill May 21 2010, 06:44:30 UTC
Roxy grinned her manic smile, "You know better then that!" She called.

With a roar the engine kicked on again with the Rocket pointed directly down.

And down she went tearing through the air so fast it seemed to scream to get out of her way. She pressed her body as close to her beloved Rocket as she could as she aimed to pass Silverwing and continue on a dive at the streets.

Hawkmon kept a careful eye on the Leomon behind him, he'd only have to keep up the chase for so long so the albino could get the loot. The more important part of the plan was how Hawkmon was going to escape capture.


scrapperzen May 21 2010, 07:04:09 UTC
Silverwing narrowed her eyes as she shot upwards, and she sucked in a breath. Back in Paragon, she did this all the time, but that was two years ago. Now, she was going to be taking a gamble, and trusting in her own restraint to get it right. She murmered a spell, taking the blunt edge off of her blade.

As long as she played Roxy right, this shouldn't go too badly. And if it did, well... she'd face that when it came to it. Unlike the last time, she had no intention of breaking off. No, this time, she flew straight at Roxy, and when Roxy passed, Silverwing sent her body into a quick spin, aiming to try and cut at least one of the fins from the rocket, if not two of them.

At the same time, Leomon wasn't about to let a predisposition for melee combat get in his way. That chopper had distance, but that wouldn't mean anything unless the pilot was skilled. Bringing back his hand, Leomon roared "BEAST KING'S FIST!" and launched a large burst of energy in the shape of a giant fist at the Helicopter's tail.


ultimatethrill May 21 2010, 07:08:49 UTC
Silverwing was fast, fast enough that Roxy barely had time to spin her Rocket when they passed. a loud clang sent vibrations through the device making Roxy squeal with delight as she spun faster and faster still diving.

Meanwhile one fin fell spinning separately to a rooftop below. If Roxy had noticed yet she didn't show it.

Meanwhile the chopper bobbed and spun out of the way with surprising agility, Hawkmon was no amateur that was for sure.


scrapperzen May 21 2010, 07:25:20 UTC
Silverwing did notice it. She had to, missing a single observation in this game wasa good way to wind up dead. Quickly. She flipped into a turn, diving back down after Roxy with the sudden surge of Gs playing a bit of havoc on her senses. "All right, Roxy!" she shouted. "Pull over!"

Leomon made a face as he missed, and he began to beat his wings faster. "Mistess!" he said into his rise bracer. "I could use a little extra firepower, if you can spare it."

"Good thing I planned ahead," Silverwing muttered as she heard him. She slapped at her D-Reader off-handedly, sending her Rudori Tarpana scan to Leomon as she remained focused on the chase.

With two new plasma cannons strapped to his arms, Leomon cracked a grin. "Okay," he said, raising his arms in front of him. "You dodged one shot. Let's see you dodge fifty."

The cannons on his arms began spitting bolt after bolt of white hot plasma at the Helicopter. Leomon was aiming for the tail, but at this point, he was a little more intent on bringing the chopper down than on taking careful aim.


ultimatethrill May 21 2010, 07:32:45 UTC
"That's my cue!" Hawkmon yelped seeing the wave of attack coming his way. He slapped two buttons simultaneously, one firing the payload of canisters in a scatter shot to the rooftops below, the other blowing the hatch on the chopper.

The explosion sent shockwaves through his body as he hurled himself out diving down towards the rooftops, wings tucked carefully to his sides, goggles and helmet strapped on tight as the city rushed up to meet him.

Roxy too was nearing the end of her dive. She attempted to right herself only to discover the missing fin which made slowing her spin more difficult.

With a grunt and a sharp pull on the steering the Rocket righted itself inches before the pavement sending sparks flying as one of the remaining fins dragged along the street.

She threw the throttle into high gear and blue fire blazed out of the back of the rocket scorching the street and melting the tires of nearby vehicals as she launched forward again, less stable, unable to fly perfectly straight, but not out just yet.


scrapperzen May 21 2010, 19:58:26 UTC
"Mistress!" Leomon shouted in near panic. "The canisters were launched!"

"I hear you!" Silverwing called back over her D-Comm. "Ignore them! Go after the pilot!"

Leomon frowned, but did as he was told all the same. "You're certain, mistress?" he asked worriedly.

Silverwing didn't answer immediately, but it wasn't because she was uncertain. No, instead, she was adjusting her flight path to miss a light post by mere centimeters as she streaked down towards Roxy. It was AFTER she avoided the post that she replied. "I'm certain!" she shouted over the rushing wind. "It doesn't fit Roxy's profile, and unless you can catch them all, it won't matter! If you catch the pilot, we can get the antidote out of him!"

"Right!" Leomon replied, growling as he dove down after Hawkmon with Shishioumaru drawn and aimed to drive into the Digimon's leg. "Big mistake, blackguard!"

Silverwing sighed and replaced the blunt edge on her blade, and she accelerated to catch up to Roxy. "You know, you're really not endevouring yourself to anyone with all of this!" she shouted, her eyes narrowed as she mentally cued up what she'd need to bring Roxy down safely.


ultimatethrill May 21 2010, 20:48:15 UTC
"That's what you think!" Roxy called over her shoulder yanking hard on the rocket hopping over a garbage truck and twisting to dart under a low hanging banner for an upcoming block party, "Everyone loves a good show!" She blew a kiss to a crowd of gawkers as she shot by barely more then a blur.

Hawkmon himself let out a squawk of pain at the hit and was sent spiralling out of control. "Mayday mayday not good!" He cried as he opened his wings to try and stabilize himself.

He pulled out of the dive inches above the rooftops and kept flapping like made his wings wide to catch any stray thermals from the streets below.


scrapperzen May 21 2010, 21:46:33 UTC
As Roxy shot up over the Garbage truck, Silverwing did the unthinkable.

She dove UNDER the garage truck. The move was almost suicidal, but it gave her a second's advantage as she avoided catching the wind stream going over the vehicle. She emerged from the underside of the truck, a green and black blur above the pavement. And as she came level with Roxy once more, she could feel the heat of the rocket's exhaust.

And she realized, Roxy was absolutely right. Everyone loved a show, especially a bank robber that went unnoticed thanks to the distraction. "We've played this game before, Rocket!" Silverwing announced, shifting flight spells for a massive burst of speed. "Too bad I know better than to play by my foe's rules! You wanna play tag, you're gonna have to catch me again! I've got other company to meet!"

She slapped Roxy's back as she passed her, shooting up into the air and turning hard towards the bank once again.

Leomon was not about to give up on his quarry, though. He flared his wings as he passed Hawkmon through his strike, and he flapped up once more to level himself with the child. "That's something of an understatement," Leomon warned, raising his sword in warning towards Hawkmon. "Surrender! I can bring you in beaten just as easily as I can bring you in with your cooperation!"


ultimatethrill May 22 2010, 09:22:02 UTC
Roxy blinked shocked at Silverwing's reaction and then she let out a loud belly laugh, "Oh you're good!" She called and spun the Rocket around blasting off again at full throttle till she was clinging to the rocket wrapping her body around it to hang on and streamline herself.

"Boss you're gonna have company REAL soon." She added through the earpiece to the doctor.

At the speed she was going to shot from her launcher would reach Silverwing, the only hope she had was to catch up.

Meanwhile Hawkmon held his wings up in the air "I give I give!"

Of coarse doing this meant he immediately tumbled from the sky down vanishing into an alley with a crash.


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