Who: Misako, Hoshi, ZashikiWarashi, Pidonus, ???
What: Kimono shopping! And for Pid, Kimono shopping for the fashion impaired!
When: May 11, Afternoon
Where: Taijutu Kimono-ya, Neon City
It had been a bit stressful, not having Ritsu around to take up the hours she and Mako couldn't work, but Misako understood the situation. It wasn't the first time a tamer had to run in to hiding because another wanted them dead for whatever reason. And while Ritsu being an android UTAU couldn't exactly 'die', she still had other people's safety to worry about, having such a big extended family.
With that in mind, Misako had tried to keep herself busy and keep her mind off whatever her friend might be going through, but she kept her spot on the staff open. She wasn't going to hire some one else when Ritsu could very well come back when all was said and done.
Of course it made for long days, and this afternoon she was trying very hard to not fall asleep on her stool behind the counter in the quiet lull in between customers.
And not doing a very good job of it, either.