(no subject)

Apr 17, 2010 01:49

Who: Greg Sanders, Lance Blackthorne, Ritsu Namine, Nick Stokes (partners?)
What: So two CSIs and a trap walk in to a security guard's office...
When: April 12th, Late Evening
Where: Neon City, Hyperion

Greg had done as Lance had instructed, waiting until Ritsu got off from work before approaching the kimono-clad cross dresser and asking him if he was okay with meeting up with Lance. Ritsu look less than amused that Greg had spilled the beans to some one else, but after explaining who Lance was, he calmed a bit and reluctantly agreed that yes, something needed to be done about Finitevus.

That didn't stop him from being nervous, though. As soon as they'd gotten back to the Hyperion (taking the most wandering, round-about way possible in the Denali to throw off anyone potentially watching) they approached Lance's office, both quiet in trepidation. Ritsu looked nervous, and that worried Greg more than he wanted to admit. Even when the UTAU had returned to the Hyperion, haggard and barely kept his expression had been the same stoic one he always wore. So to see Ritsu with actual nerves rattling him made Greg wonder just what the hell they were all getting in to.

He figured they'd find out soon enough. After all, they needed all the information they could get, and Ritsu was going to be the one to provide it.

character: whoshotsherlock, location: neon city: hyperion, character: 25tontrap, character: ponchotexas

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