
Apr 12, 2010 15:52

Who: Kats, TA, Open to hostiles, friends, unknowns, anything, everyone, leafy vegetables, minerals...
What: Never a happy birthday.
When: April 12th
Where: Neon City.
Angsty Kitty )

character: techsavytabby, character: littlesiskeeper, location: neon city, character: hrtlssguardian

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hrtlssguardian April 25 2010, 04:33:02 UTC
"You haven't learned yet have you." Alyssa hissed at TA as the first of the viruses were destroyed by Alyssa's Digi-Soul infused shields. She quickly pointed the heavy plasma cannon and fired another Digi-Soul boosted fireball that burned away the other incoming viruses.

The missile launchers along her back opened up once again, as Alyssa prepped for her assault. "But then again, why should I bother trying to explain it to a genital parasite like you. Experience... is a much better teacher."

Then she opened fire with not one, not two, but three consecutive salvos of missiles. Twenty four Digi-Soul infused projectiles streaked into the sky, and then raced back down at TA. However they were not all consolidated directly onto TA's location, but instead were spread out to create as large of a field of fire as possible.

Despite all the munitions that she had just thrown at TA, it was very possible that she might survive. To finish the job, Alyssa unfolded her twin beam cannons from her shoulders, and readied herself to fire just after the missiles struck.


1/3 techsavytabby April 25 2010, 13:49:21 UTC
"I never was a very fast learner!" TA cried out throwing her hands to the sky and letting free another swarm of viruses, each one spreading out and crashing into the explosives raining down upon her. The explosions rocked the area shattering glass and thundering through the buildings. The screams of Digimon and tamers in their homes could be heard through the windows.

But with how distracted TA was pumping out the counter to the missiles there was no way she could protect herself from the beam canons.

Luckily someone else had her back.


2/3 likesbows April 25 2010, 13:58:35 UTC

That was the battle cry of Yowaneko 2.0 recently rebuilt after being destroyed at the Robot Masters home as it hurtled through the air propelled by a rocket blast. Upon impact it would explode with the might of a crash bomb. Nothing to deeply concern but the force was painstakingly calculated that it would at least distract Alyssa...


3/3 techsavytabby April 25 2010, 14:03:31 UTC
"I'll add Yowaneko to the list of those who you've brought pain to." Kats hissed dragging himself out of the crater. He was leaning heavily on an over sized wrench, blood draining from his nose and lips, his eyes blazing with what could be thought of as madness.

"I wonder Alyssa...which of your sins makes you most like a "civilized" Biological lifeform? Is it your pride in your strength an ability? Your gluttony and Lust you feel for the pain and suffering of others? The Wrath you wrought upon any and all who stand in your path? Or..." He paused coughing up more blood, "Could it be your envy for our ability to surpass the limits of our flesh? Something that you still cannot overcome?"


littlesiskeeper April 25 2010, 18:38:05 UTC
The sound of Kats' voice brought Tenenbaum out of her thoughts of calculated revenge. He was alive, badly hurt, but alive. She let out a quick sigh of relief. She just hoped that being rushing towards them would help.


hrtlssguardian April 28 2010, 06:26:25 UTC
"What the -- CAT?!" Alyssa practically squawked as a flying white suicide bomber of a hair ball shot at her face. The war machine's Digi-Soul boosted shield went up again as the feline exploded in her face. While damage from the explosion was negligible, the resulting flash did blind her and distract her.

Unfortunately, Kats' words were lost amidst the HSAT's momentary confusion. After all, if she was aware enough to pay attention to Kats' words, it would mean Yowaneko's distraction had failed.


techsavytabby April 28 2010, 20:42:37 UTC
"Alright bitch, let's end this!" TA Roared and threw her hands wide open viruses flying from the fingertips of both hands in a curving arc from the left and right, a cloud of corroding virus.

While from the lip of the crater swaying, trembling as his muscles seized Kats raised his D-reader.

"Alone I'm weak...but my friends give me strength."

A push of the button brought an unholy hellstorm from the D-comm.

A tornado from Airman spun forth funneling out from the device filling the street picking up trash and rubble, rattling the cars on the street. Pebbles pinged off lampposts and whistled in through the broken windows.

Crashbombs, Homemade napalm, razor sharp boomerangs spinning at top speed, and pink energy blades from Haku's Phantomon's scythe swirling and spinning, racing at Alyssa, the high speed winds adding to their impact.

His legs trembled, feeling ready to buckle, his breath was ragged and panting, bruises and broken ribs demanding he fall.

But a sort of cooling touch stroked his arm.

Perhaps it was a hallucination brought on by the pain, but there at his side was his sister, Othelo the pilot, Puck the captain and all of his pirates.

Each one braced their bodies against him, holding him up, giving him the strength to hold steady as the wind and weapons flew.

And so he laughed, he laughed what could only be considered an evil genius laugh.



littlesiskeeper April 28 2010, 21:08:04 UTC
Tenenbaum watched with hope this really would end it. She aimed her pistol and fired four more shots. She figured her shots would not add much to the barrage, but she hoped it would help.


1/2 hrtlssguardian April 29 2010, 03:58:37 UTC
Alyssa regained enough awareness just in time to realize that there was practically no time to dodge the on coming torrent of wind. The gynoid let out a shocked and surprised scream as she was drawn up by the whirlwind.

Flashes from exploding bombs and Alyssa's own shield lit up the funnel, and when some of the napalm bombs finally ignited the tornado practically became a pillar of fire. The HSAT was soon thrown from the flaming vortex and found herself smashing hard into nearby building.

For a moment or two, it looked like that attack might have finished her. Then the side of the building that Alyssa had crashed into exploded, and the rogue war machine emerged with a hate filled gaze pointed directly at humanoid feline. Up to this point, she had been dealing with this whole situation with as little effort as possible. After all, Kats wasn't the type to put up much of a fight, or so Alyssa had thought. However, now that was going to change. The gloves were going to come off and Kats wouldn't be much more then a scorch mark when she was through.

"KKKKKAAAATTTTTSSSSS!!!!" Alyssa half screeched and half roared as she pointed the beam cannons directly at him.


2/2 guardianofearth April 29 2010, 04:25:40 UTC
However, once again there was something that Alyssa hadn't counted on. Kats had called for back up, and two of the fastest people in the Digital World were racing their way toward Kats' location right now.

In fact, one had already arrived.

Eight Digi-Soul infused missiles smashed directly into Alyssa, preventing her from getting her shot off at Kats. The missiles were quickly followed up by even larger salvo, and a beam blast that looked like that of a Nitro Stinger. The HSAT quickly found herself on her back looking into her sky at her attacker: Miria and her partner HS-CannonBeemon.

Not wasting any time, the loyal HSAT landed just in front of Kats and put herself just inbetween the roboticist and Alyssa so that she could shield him from further attack.


fasternlightbot April 29 2010, 04:41:34 UTC
The other arrived a moment later, skidding across what was left of the pavement to gaze at the destruction, not to mention the show from the blasts and missiles. He let out a low whistle before spotting Kats - well hearing him really - and zipping over.

"Alright fuzzball, fun and games are over. Lets go." And unless Kats had a very very very good reason for staying, Quick was going to pick him up and run off. And if Tenenbaum also needed a lift, someone better speak up about it before it was too late.


1/2 techsavytabby April 29 2010, 04:44:30 UTC
Kats' laughing died out as he turned his head to greet Quick, the tornado and explosives running out.

"Good evening Quickman..." He said lightly before his eyes rolled and closed.

He felt the world falling away from him, his body so light, so light he felt like it would float away.

At least...he wasn't in pain anymore.

He fell forward limply.


2/2 techsavytabby April 29 2010, 04:51:57 UTC
A flash of light reduced TA from her perfect level...to Caprimon.

She blinked realizing how much larger the world had just gotten, "Well...shit." And went bouncing and sliding through the rubble for Quickman and Kats.


littlesiskeeper April 29 2010, 06:10:48 UTC
Tenenbaum quickly darted from her sanctuary and ran towards Quickman.

"Please, take me with you?" she asked, clenching Goblimon's egg close to her chest, worried eyes falling upon Kats.


1/2 hrtlssguardian April 29 2010, 09:17:44 UTC
For a short moment, Alyss did nothing but take in the situation as she calculated the statistics. The arrival of Miria had tipped things out of her favor by quite a bit, especially with her shield as low as it now was. However, Nanomon devolving into a caprimon put things a little more in her favor again. She could win a battle against Miria in her state, but it would be very risky. If Miria had called for back up though, things could get very complicated.

Then the rogue HSAT spotted Quick Man, and something clicked in her mind. A wide grin crossed her face as she suddenly realized an opportunity she might have over looked before.

"Quick man, would you like me to say hello to the old man for you?" Alyssa suddenly called out to the Robot Master.


2/2 guardianofearth April 29 2010, 09:38:18 UTC
Miria quickly looked over her shoulder at Quick Man, half wondering if she shouldn't be worried about him as well. The young HSAT then turned her head back to look at Alyssa.

"I'm hoping she doesn't mean who I think she means," HS-CannonBeemon spoke quietly, with a hint of worry in his tone.


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