
Apr 12, 2010 15:52

Who: Kats, TA, Open to hostiles, friends, unknowns, anything, everyone, leafy vegetables, minerals...
What: Never a happy birthday.
When: April 12th
Where: Neon City.
Angsty Kitty )

character: techsavytabby, character: littlesiskeeper, location: neon city, character: hrtlssguardian

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hrtlssguardian April 21 2010, 06:45:24 UTC
Alyssa shield flickered with each hit revolver it, but even collectively, they didn't even register on the shield gauge. The rouge HSAT completely ignored Tenenbaum's rather ineffective attack, figuring that the doctor's revolver would run out of bullets soon enough. Besides, the doctor was not her main focus right now, Kats and his partner was.

"You can believe in something all you want, it doesn't make it come to pass. Hope and faith are dead, just like you are about to be." Alyssa growled in pure annoyance at Kats' defiance. "I think you need to be reminded just how pathetic you are, and have that lesson driven straight down into the core of your being."

Then the plasma minigun Alyssa had pointed at Kats started rotating. The weapon that could decimate a tank in less then a few seconds opened fire on Kats and TA.


techsavytabby April 21 2010, 13:39:43 UTC
An explosion of sidewalk, pebbles and dust filled the air, the smell of burnt stone and smoke, and not even a scream.

As the dust settled Kats and TA were no where to be seen...

...until with a BOOM! Guardramon slammed to the ground in front of Alyssa and rose to her feet lifting her arms up and popping out Twin missiles, one on each arm.

... )


littlesiskeeper April 22 2010, 03:15:32 UTC
Tenenbaum shielded her eyes from Alyssa's attack. Once Guardmon began to attack she quickly jogged away from the fight and towards the alley way not too far from the scene. She took cover inside, but kept an eye out. Should whatever field around that woman fade, Tenenbaum would take her shot.


hrtlssguardian April 22 2010, 10:52:17 UTC
Alyssa quickly opened fire on the missiles with the plasma minigun just after they had barely left Guardramon's arms. The lighting fast reflexes of a machine meshed with state-of-the-art targeting systems gave Alyssa a quick draw that not even all the fastest gunslingers in Wild West combined could hope to rival. This would usually be the part were Alyssa would make a small quip about Guardramon's inferiority, or how the digimon had practically telegraphed that attack.

Unfortunately, Alyssa didn't feel like talking any more.

Kicking her thrusters up to high output, Alyssa rocketed towards the streetlight that Kats was clinging to while leaving a sonic boom in her wake. Unraveling her twin plasma cutter from her left forearm, the psychotic HSAT slashed at the poll cutting it cleanly in two. Quickly stowing the plasma cutter away again, Alyssa spun around and grabbed the streetlight before it could start to fall. The HSAT planned to smash Kats hard into the ground.


techsavytabby April 22 2010, 12:34:43 UTC
Come on cat pick up your feet when I'm shooting at you! Crashman's voice rang in Kats' ears as the streetlamp flew and jerked wildly from the attack. Kats let go and was flung hard,

A sharp pain that shot through his entire spine up to his skull and he was stopped mid flight. TA had caught him by his tail and dropped him on the ground. His tail and the fur on it was kinked now but he was alive.

"Be less useless!" TA admonished in her Guardramon form before firing twin lasers at Alyssa.

You gotta start standing up for yourself Kats, you won't always be able to avoid a fight. Kitty's voice again.


littlesiskeeper April 22 2010, 15:37:29 UTC
Tenenbaum remained in the ally-way, peeking around the corner. There seemed to be no way she could help Kats in this fight. She had no major plasmids of her own. She never took to splicing. Only her own plasmid to change little sisters back into normal girls. But that was useless here. She continued to try and think up some sort of strategy to help her friend.


hrtlssguardian April 23 2010, 03:57:31 UTC
Alyssa's shield once again flared to life, this time cloaked in Alyssa's black perfect level Digi-Soul. As the lasers hit, Alyssa didn't even budge.

"By now, you should know that is impossible for him," Alyssa snarled. "He was born useless, and he will die useless!" The rouge HSAT then rushed Guardramon while firing her minigun, and launching her missiles.

However, she had an ulterior motive for this sudden charge: Guardramon would mostlikely leap to evade the attacks again. When that happened, Alyssa would go supersonic and latch on to TA while the digimon was still in the air and unable to maneuver.


techsavytabby April 23 2010, 04:02:17 UTC
Dodge? Seriously have you seen Guardramon? She let out a yell and tucked her legs against her body throwing herself backwards rolling and flattening a mailbox in the process.

Kats on the other hand screamed like a little girl and dove under a parked car to avoid the blast, the fur on his tail singed from the near miss.

You've got a power behind you stronger then any missile, a power you can't steal, one you've got to earn... Captain Puck's voice this time.


littlesiskeeper April 23 2010, 04:07:29 UTC
Tenenbaum continued to watch, no opening sighted yet. She looked up at Alyssa's partner. He luckily hadn't joined the fray yet, bur she feared the instance he did.


hrtlssguardian April 23 2010, 04:43:09 UTC
Well, there went that idea. Alyssa was absolutely sure that Guardramon had leaped to evade her first attack. However in the end it didn't matter that much that Guardramon had rolled away instead of leaping. Kats, Alyssa's real target, had just made himself a wonderfully easy bull's-eye by hiding under a car.

Suddenly interstellar war machine redirected her missiles from Guardramon, and into the car Kats was taking cover under. The missiles came down from all sides and smashed into the vehicle turning it into one giant fireball.

However, just because she had commanded her missiles to pursue Kats instead of Guardramon, did not mean she had given up the chase on Guardramon. Alyssa continued open fire on TA with her plasma minigun while chasing her.


techsavytabby April 23 2010, 04:48:39 UTC
TA Let out a scream as the Plasma Minigun tore into her, but rather then fight back she turned her missile on the car and blasted it, sending the flaming wreckage soaring at Aylssa's Digimon partner.

Meanwhile the dazed and swiftly panic'd Kats scrambled for further cover darting around the flames and twisted hot metal as he tried so desperately to come up with a plan. Such was difficult to do when one was running for your life however.

Alone you're just a speck in the black...but come together with a good crew...a family...friends...you mean something.


littlesiskeeper April 23 2010, 05:10:11 UTC
Tenenbaum continued to watch, worrying more and more about Kats. She truly felt useless at the moment. She could not help her friend. How she wished she had at least injected herself once with a plasmid. Perhaps if she had...no. Regretting the past was not going to help. She had to focus on the present.

Tenenbaum quickly retreated inside the ally as the car flew towards Alyssa's partner, taking cover behind a trash can.


hrtlssguardian April 23 2010, 06:08:52 UTC
EclipseGreymon snorted in annoyance as he easily caught the smoldering car, crunched it into a metal ball, and sent it hurling towards Tenenbaum. While the doctor may temporarily slipped past Alyssa's attention, she hadn't escaped his. However, he still chose not to join in yet. He knew that Alyssa, being the war machine that she is, could easily handle this situation on her own, and if he did join in, he risked incurring the wrath of his tamer.

Alyssa on the other hand continued her pursuit of Guardramon. She had retracted the plasma minigun and had replaced it with sonic blaster which, while unable to fire as fast as the minigun, could fire wider, much more powerful, shock waves. Focusing the cannon on Guardramon, Alyssa held down the trigger, and fired wave after destructive wave at her.


techsavytabby April 23 2010, 06:18:10 UTC
TA took each one, armor cracking, screaming shaking, her eyes narrowed as she did something only an insane mon would do.

Luckily...she was batshit crazy.

Pointing both her rocket launchers behind her she fired, sending her massive form flying at Alyssa, and her body began to glow. The last ditch attempt for any Guardromon, self destruction.

As Kats watched her fly the pieces finally connected.

Love, compassion, trust, these are the bonds that keep us together here on the edge of the universe. We hold tight we just might stand a chance.

"TA!" Kats screamed as she exploded in a fireball of white hot iron and flame.

A cloud of smoke filled the streets and poured into the sky Kats felt his fur singed and burnt, a shard of metal tore into his shoulder, another nicked his ear, he shielded his eyes in case more metal was sent flying.

He couldn't see her...he couldn't see anything.


littlesiskeeper April 23 2010, 06:22:36 UTC
Tenenbaum quickly dived forward, pushing the trashcan out of her way, trying to dodge the car. The flaming ball of metal missed her luckily. The sound of the explosion and the Kats' cry send waves of fear down Tenenbaum's back. Something awful had just occurred.


hrtlssguardian April 23 2010, 07:56:40 UTC
As the smoke started to clear, a figure stood up and started dusting themselves off. As the cloud dissipated further, it became clear who that figure was: Alyssa.

Cloaked in her Digi-Soul, Alyssa looked untouched. Looking at Kats and Tenenbaum out of the corner of her left eye, the rogue HSAT smirked at them. "Well, that was completely pointless," the psychotic machine spoke, almost laughing.

"Yep, they were definitely lemmings... whatever those are," EclipseGreymon chimed in.

Alyssa rolled her eyes at he partner's comment before turning to face Kats directly. "If you give me the D-reader now, I will give you a painless death. Continue to defy me... and I'll leave that up to your imagination."


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