
Mar 08, 2010 16:11

Who: [Totally Open to a couple heroes (Two or three) any hostiles that want to jump in, or innocent bystanders looking to get hassled by plantlife]
What: The plants go marching one by one hurrah, hurrah.
When: March 9th, afternoon
Where: Neon City Public park
Green not-so-peace )

character: fangyflower, location: neon city

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cannonwithagun March 9 2010, 03:55:31 UTC
"You know, I was sleeping." Gaomon complained as he walked alongside of his partner. She looked down at him and shrugged.

"You could have stayed in the room. I just want to go for a walk, get out for a bit."

"I'm not letting you run around by yourself. You'll get in trouble."

"Really. What kind of trouble can I get into?" She stuck her hands in her pockets and continued forward, heading towards a park in the distance. She just needed to get out and away for a while to think. As she crossed into the park, she was staring at the ground, lost in her thoughts...and then she felt Gaomon tug on one of her pants' legs.

"Um, about 'what kind of trouble?'" She looked at him. He pointed more into the park. "That kind!" She looked up to see the plants come alive...

...that wasn't good, at all.


fangyflower March 9 2010, 04:44:44 UTC
Mushroomon was complaining loudly, "Ham salad? What kind of a sandwhich is Ham Salad? YUCK!" She threw the offending sandwhich at Petey who snatched it mid flight.

Meanwhile one of the nearby trees snaked a root over the blanket she was currently sitting on trying to swipe the key lime pie that had been abandoned by the school children Digimon. Mushroommon swatted at it with a hand, "Try that again and I'll blow you sky high oak tree!" She warned.

The Tree shook it's branches in anger but complied with her warning.

An unfortunate Lunamon happened to have been taking a stroll through the park with her favorite stuffed animal at the time and right now she was clinging to a water fountain begging for help because some angry living flowers had surrounded the fountain and weren't letting her leave. What's worse is her beloved plushie was currently encased in thick living grass that had bound and wrapped him and pinned him to the ground.


cannonwithagun March 10 2010, 03:17:21 UTC
"Hey you! How about you pick on someone your own size!" Very cliche, but Sara was hoping that it would distract the weird looking plant long enough for the Lunamon to get free. If that didn't work, she was hoping that Gaomon could put those boxing gloves to use.

Only a few days into her stay in this place, and she was already getting into trouble. What a great track record.


fangyflower March 10 2010, 04:03:32 UTC
The evil flowers tormenting Lunamon didn't bother turning around but it did get Mushroommon's attention.

"Hey look Petey!" She called, "Snacks!"

Petey's head whipped about smartlike and spotted the newcomers. with a roar he flapped his leaves wildly and rushed at them


cannonwithagun March 14 2010, 06:11:20 UTC
"What the hell?!" This wasn't good, at all. She looked down at Gaomon, who seemed much more calm about this than she was. At this point, she really didn't know what to do, but she wanted to help the Lunamon.

"You need to get out of here." She looked down at her partner, who wasn't focused on her, but the threat in front of them. "And I mean NOW." She stepped back a few steps, and he moved in front of her, making sure he was between his partner and the living plant. He knew this wasn't good, but also that she wouldn't want to leave.


fangyflower March 14 2010, 13:49:59 UTC
Petey launched his first attack by flapping his leaves hard enough to lift off the ground and throwing his body at the Gaomon intending to bodyslam him with a speeding drop.


cannonwithagun March 14 2010, 16:55:22 UTC
"You're just stubborn, aren't you?" Gaomon said to his partner before focusing solely on the plant. He pulled one of his arms back to try to use a punch to counteract the bodyslam. He didn't know if it would work, but he figured it was worth trying.


fangyflower March 14 2010, 18:34:21 UTC

Unfortunately for Gaomon size would prove the deciding factor in this first round as the massive flower crashed down upon him. The hit did cushion the blow slightly, as did the soft soil they stood on. Either way he'd be smarting more then Petey would.

"I'm guessing your new to this." Mushroomon commented producing a large round mushroom in her hand. She hurled it near Sara letting it exploded loudly just to get her moving again.


/THREADJACKS spirit_kanji March 15 2010, 03:47:01 UTC
The explosion never hit Sara. She would feel a hand on the back of her shirt yanking her out of the way, and when the smoke cleared a young Asian man was standing next to her, aiming a bow and arrow directly at Mushroomon.

"Care to try that again?"


cannonwithagun March 15 2010, 04:45:34 UTC
"Thanks." She said to the guy who had just shown up. "I'm pretty new at this." She hated admitting weaknesses, and this just wasn't her area of expertise at the moment.

She watched as Gaomon struggled his way out from under the plant, attempting to get a few bites, punches, and scratches in as he went. She was glad that he was mostly ok, although she had a feeling that he wouldn't be in the best mood for a few days.


fangyflower March 15 2010, 13:45:11 UTC
Petey seemed all too happy to play the bully in this scene as he firmly planted a leaf on the smaller creature holding him far enough out his punches wouldn't connect, the bites and scratches from crawling his way out had connected but to minimal effect.

"Oh gee, an arrow. Whatever will I do." Mushroomon rolled her beady eyes and produced one, two, three mushrooms, flinging them all at once and all at the duo, surely he couldn't take out all three with one shot...


spirit_kanji March 15 2010, 19:45:57 UTC
Doumeki just smirked. Sure he'd lost against Mad March (and his hand still was a little sore from that), but that was an enemy who had range at both long and close range. This one seemed to rely heavily on it's mushroom bombs, which meant, of course, that he was totally underestimating the archer.

"Get behind me," he said to Sara, stepping in front of her. He fired one green digi-soul glowing arrow at the closest mushroom, causing it to explode and take out the one next to it.


Seemingly out of no where (but really she'd been hiding in the hood of Doumeki's sweatshirt), a little Bakumon jumped out and launched off her tamer's shoulder, knocking the bomb away with her paw where it exploded harmlessly off to the side.

She landed, and in a flash she evolved in to Saggitarimon.

"HEY! PLANT THING! PICK ON SOME ONE YOUR OWN SIZE!" she yelled, charging forward in hopes of distracting Petey and getting Gaomon free.


cannonwithagun March 17 2010, 02:12:51 UTC
Sara stood behind her 'savior' as he took over in the battle. She hadn't been doing that well anyway, so she was glad that he showed up...and for the opportunity to watch someone who knew what they were doing.

"What did she just do?" She asked after watching the evolution "That's amazing."


fangyflower March 17 2010, 03:16:38 UTC
"Oh he just did this!" Mushroommon called and tapped into Petey's well of ferocious energy.

In a flash of light Vegimon was on the scene lashing out her vines at Saggitarimon in hopes of tripping her up.

Petey to his credit took the challenge and rushed at the Digimon head down ready for impact.


spirit_kanji March 17 2010, 04:16:08 UTC
"Digimon evolution," Doumeki said with a faint scowl at the fight going on. "Everyone can do it, but you have to be pretty in tune with your partner."

"You two are just big bullies!" Moro cried out, leaping over the lashing vines and dodging Petey rather than hitting him head on. Skidding to a halt off to the side, she pulled out her bow and notched three arrows, letting them fly at Petey.

Doumeki pulled out another of his own arrows, but waited to see what Moro's attack might accomplish.


cannonwithagun March 18 2010, 02:09:26 UTC
"Oh." Sara said. It made sense. She'd met Gaomon only a little while earlier, so she had no idea what he could or couldn't do, really. It was amazing to watch them battle, although frightening at the same time, knowing she was partially to blame for it. She shouldn't have wandered into the area, much less antagonize the plant thing.

She noticed that both Petey and his partner were distracted, and took that moment to run over towards Gaomon, to make sure that he was ok.


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