Who: Tiffany, Luna, Open
What: Diligent Students
When: February 16th
Where: M.A.G.I
The M.A.G.I Library was Tiffany's second favorite Library in the Digital world. The first was Neon City's Public library due to it's wide selection of Fiction which...even Tiffany had to admit was a nice change of pace from all the research she did.
At the moment she was perched at the top of a tall ladder examining some book titles on the top shelf. Many were in languages she was only now learning to translate, but she had gotten the hang of it for the most part.
Finding one that seemed like what she needed she tugged...and tugged again but it seemed to be packed in so tightly with the other books it didn't want to go.
Taking her other hand off the ladder and placing it on the book she gave a tug, and then a sharper one and the book slid free suddenly sending her flying backwards off the ladder with a yelp right over the head of Luna who was passively studying a book upside down while wearing her specterscopes.
Tiffany landed with a crash toppling over a cart of books to be sorted and put away burying herself under them till all that was visible was her feet and hat.
"Are you alright?" Luna asked in her usual far away tone.
There was a squeek and a little hand poked out of the bookpile giving a thumbs up.