Who: Daigo, Masaru, Yoshino, Nanoha, Partners?
What: Daigo needs to discuss a plan.
When: Jan. 19th, after
this post.Where: Royal Base, Nanoha's office.
Daigo made a quick diversion to tell Masaru to follow him, and then he made his way to Nanoha's office. )
She focused her gaze on Daigo.
"I don't think any of us could convince him of the same. Not in this case. Nor can I, in good faith. I would rather take the measures to protect his well being in addition to ours, rather than letting him go off on his own. And if anything, it will be at least one less hunter that we're not accounting for."
She paused, looking at Masaru, then back at Yoshino.
"They were chosen for the Heavy Assault Division for a reason. Masaru was chosen as a Unit Captain in that same Division for a reason. I know it's risky, but... I also trust their judgment in this matter."
She tried to smile lightly.
"And you're in Investigations for a reason, as well. We DO need to be doing everything else possible, and I'll need your help to be donig what YOU'RE best at in this whole ordeal, too."
He sighed, walking over and putting his hands on Yoshino's shoulders.
"Listen, I know I'm not exactly the more level head around here, or haven't been a lot in the past. But... I'm not just shooting my head off here. We've gotta do SOMETHING, and NOW. And I've done that the wrong way before, I know. We can't just sit here, waiting for something to happen. We've got to MAKE it happen. So long as everyone else does THEIR jobs, this is just a part of it."
She looked sadly at Daigo.
"I've been through that... Tsukasa's sister has been... they have a way of getting to people, and coming into any sort of contact with them runs that risk... It might not be their intention to capture you, but the chances for discovery..."
She looked down, wringing her hands.
"I'm sorry for being difficult, everyone..."
He smirked and looked back at Nanoha. "And, as Masaru said, there's a right way and a wrong way to go about this," he added. "I came to Nanoha because this way, we will have support if we should need it. DATS Neon can be kept appraised of the situation, and if it's required, a team can be dispatched to pull both of us out of the fire."
"What do you mean 'If'?" Black Gaomon asked.
Daigo sighed, and took a step over to his partner. Black Gaomon yelped and raised his hands over his head defensively. "NO HITTING! NO HITTING! IT WAS A JOKE!" he yelled. "Get a sense of humor, yeesh!"
Daigo smirked and patted him on the head at that. "Sometimes, just a man's presence will do enough," he said impishly.
"Yeah, Yoshino!" Agumon piped up. "Don't worry! I'll make sure to get Aniki back in one piece, and same for Daigo and the fraidy cat!"
She shook her head.
"If we could capture someone whose connected to this... maybe while they're in the act... that could be helpful too, right?"
He uncrossed his arms and looked around. "I'm going to need a day or so to get my things in order, then I'll be going," he said. "Do any of you think I'm forgetting anything?"
Black Gaomon twitched and stood up on the chair, glaring over it at Agumon. "Hey! Just because I happen to like it here!" he groused, jabbing his boxing glove at Agumon. "I'll show you a 'fraidy cat out there, just you watch!"
She shook her head. "No. I don't think so. Just... be careful. Or, if not THAT, at least mindful."
She then nodded to Yoshino. "Yes, it could. It's just a matter of FINDING them."
Agumon, meanwhile, responded maturely to BlackGaomon. By sticking his tongue out at him.
"... alright then. We focus on that, and... we see where your idea goes, then."
Black Gaomon scowled at Agumon... and stuck his thumbs in his ears and made a face at him.
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