Who: Ritsu Namine and Teto Kasane.
What: And I will try to fix you~ Try being the key word.
When: [BACKDATE] November 24, 2009 - Shortly after
this post.
Where: Outskirts of Junk City. Farther from civilization. And that ... uh. Well, that former bar.
Teto sat against some scrap heap, sighing to herself as she placed a hand to her bad shoulder and closed her eyes. That battle wasn't something she'd been expecting .. and she knew she was doing well to come out of it still mostly intact. Minor injuries aside, she was feeling a lot better.
"So annoying," she said to herself, eyes opening halfway and narrowing. "Hope that idiot rots in hell ..."
Ah, yes. The guy who dared to insult UTAU.
Yeah, she hoped he rotted in hell.