(no subject)

Sep 08, 2009 14:52

Who: Yu, Lily, partners, others later
What: A day with my cousin.
When: September 8th 1:00 P.M
Where: Tetha, Hinata Inn to start.

It was dark in Yu's Room, thick black curtains snuffed out any light that the day might try to slip into the room to bother the young girl as she lay on her bed. Her arms and legs were wrapped around a body pillow in what might have been a wrestling hold as she slept fitfully with unpleasant dreams.


The room was dark, but to a trained skulker of the night that meant little.

Yu was in her batgirl ensemble and her father had his back to her holding up a lifeless body.

Pulling off her cowl in a rare moment of disregard for her identity she stared wide eyed as her fathers massive frame heaved with air, like some great beast of shadows. For the first time in her life Yu was actually afraid of her father.

His voice was gravely and low as he dropped the body to the ground in a puddle of it's own blood. It was a woman, strong and tall but a woman none the less. Yu had arrived too late and the body was already without life...and his knuckles stained with blood.

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"Didn't I tell you not to go out, didn't I?" He growled reminding her of her now broken prommise to stay at the hotel where the family had been residing.

"You did, you did." Her voice was a quiver, her purple eyes wide and watering lightly. This was everything Batman had warned her about...this was why he'd told her to follow her father.

"Didn't I say the world was cruel, didn't I?" He continued almost in a daze, but each word tainted with dark menace.

"You did, you did." Yu repeated feeling her body start to chill and grown numb, like when she passed through her father during a moment of intangibility.

"Then tell me how this happened, what I did wrong, tell me why. Can't we just go home Yu and forget this dreadful night?"

...the rhyming was new, but Yu was so consumed by her dream she didn't even question it, nor the words out of her mouth that followed as a slow rage boiled inside her melting away the ice.

"Didn't you say that you were different didn't you?" She accused.

"I am, I am." Noir sighed defeated, not meeting her eyes.

"Say you aren't that person, say it!" She ordered.

"I am, I am!" Noir growled in confession.

Tears in her eyes Yu continued on, "Then tell me how to act Dad what to say Dad tell me why, all you ever told me every word is a lie!" And with that she hauled back and slammed a fist into her fathers face sending him stumbling back a few steps and gazing in shock.

Batman was right, he'd always been right and Yu had been clinging to disbelief because of family loyalty, but if her father was lieing how could she trust any of them? Her mother, Tara...even her aunt Jinx who they were trying so hard to find.

Yu continued advancing at Noir throwing punches and kicks, the dark detective blocking the rage fueled attacks only barely as she yelled at him, "Didn't you say that you'd protect me didn't you?"

"I tried, I tried."

Her eyes flashed dangerously as she pointed accusingly at the body on the floor, "Is that how you'd help me? Is it?"

"I tried, I tried!" Noir insisted though his words fell on deaf ears as Yu renewed her attack, tears streaking down her face in damp trails, "Don't help me anymore dad, you are dead dad in my eyes, some one has replaced you dad I hate you GO AND DIE!" And with those words she slammed the strongest kick she had ever dealt into his chest slamming him into a wall before melting back into the shadows to leave the room and join her new mentor, Batman.


It was this horrid and stylized dream that kept the poor blond girl from a comfortable rest as she grumbled and groaned into the pillow clenching it tightly, her blanket thrown to the floor and the other pillows of her bed scattered in the fight.

character: unyusual_girl, location: tetha, character: lotsacute

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