(no subject)

Jun 26, 2009 18:25

Who: LOTS OF PEOPLE (volunteering and idea bouncing happened here but feel free to join in!)
What: The rescue effort and evacuation
When: Backdated to June 23rd, at the same time as this
Where: Neon City

Neon was in chaos: Buildings lay in ruins, what was once a street now had a nice crater, for a moment the slightest movement had been smacked down by Argomon's vines, and people were panicking and trying to get the hell out.

Among the madness people were trapped in the rubble; some were injured, if not dying. But among those who needed help were the heroes, defending the citizens of Neon from further injury and carefully moving them out of the rubble.

character: vocaloid02_5, character: jigglysiren, character: uberlikehermama, character: techsavytabby, character: delightfulloony, character: bondingalchemy, character: engrvedonkokoro, character: mistressofdoma, location: neon city, character: fightersblood, character: morisatomotors, character: aplushiecabbit, character: dive_npc

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