(no subject)

Apr 13, 2009 22:59

Who: Suzaku, Lancelot (Grademon), The slaves of the Dark Area [Self-log]
What: Battle for The Dragon Tag - Side Story
When: April 8th, During Daigo's battle with Nanoha and Fate
Where: Dark Area Slave Camp

Suzaku ran.

Grademon right behind him, his heavy footsteps shaking the earth as he dashed along with his Tamer, they both ran, neither looking back. Even as they heard the sounds of a final clash beginning...

Daigo was going to lose. He was going to lose when Suzaku was fighting him, but now... he was going to lose by DATS' hands. He was going to be taken by them, locked away. Suzaku did not know these people. He di dnot know how they would treat their prisoners, nor did he have any idea how Daigo's actions in the end would be judged by them or by the world at large.

For all intents and purposes, it was very possible they had both just signed Daigo's death warrant.

It seemed that certain things about his fate wouldn't change no matter what world he was in... He was always forced to betray, or ACT like he was betraying another... Even if it was something he accepted... even if it was Daigo's own idea...

It was the same for Lelouch, too.

Still, he had to stay firm.

And he soon stood before the slaves within their barracks.

"Just what are the lot of you doing, sitting there?" Suzaku said, leveling a cold gaze upon them. "Do you think that if you just wait, your saviors are going to come to you? I refuse to believe that man would have suffered such weakness beneath him."

One burly looking man stood up, sneering at Suzaku. He began to stalk over towards the younger man. He was ... well, he was much larger than Suzaku.

He was larger than Daigo.

His face and body were covered in scars, and he looked as if he'd led a terribly rough life before ever being dragged into this camp. "Just who d'ya think ya are, eh? Ya talk 'bout freein' us from that bastard, and then yer praisin' him?!"

Suzaku stared up at him, unflinchingly.

"Now is a chance you will never get again. The chaos of this battlefield, whether Kazama Daigo wins or loses, has given you a chance. A window you may never live to see again. The choice is up to you... you can just choose to leave this place."

The large man continued to glare down at Suzaku. "And we need you t'help us do that, now that th' boss man's distracted?"

Suzaku kept his gaze cold. "You couldn't free yourself of him before, so... obviously, yes."

The man's face contorted into rage, and he raised a fist.

Before Grademon lowered a sword to point at him, shaking his head. The man snorted, backpeddling, but keeping his glare on Suzaku.

"You can leave this place, and disappear into the world. You have no obligation to me or anyone. Not anymore. However..."

He observed all of them, making sure he had their attention. "This land has become corrupt. Vile. It's dying from within, and things like this camp are a perfect example. So you can go back to normal lives, or whatever can be called normal in this world... or..."

He gripped a fist, holding it up. "Do you want others to suffer like this again? Even if this camp is taken down, what is to prevent the Dark Area from restarting things from scratch? If Kazama falls, people could very well be given far worse task masters... the suffering can and will continue unless the cycle is broken. Unless the Dark Area's corruption is torn out from within, and shattered so there can be no reconstruction of something as evil as this!"

The large man, still the only one to speak, blinked... but kept his glare. "And ... you know how to do this."

Suzaku turned, looking sternly back at them all. "I have seen it done. It can be done here. If you have gained any strength from suviving under that man, then do not let it go to waste. Wield it for the betterment of this world. If you think you can do that, then follow me. If not... you are free to leave. Nothing less will be thought of you."

And thus, Suzaku took a leap straight up onto Grademon's shoulder. The Digimon turned and began to leave. And ... slowly, but surely... People and their partners followed.

Some just followed him out of the camp, many of them picking up their paces quite considerably as the earthquake struck and it began to collapse in upon itself.

While others...

Followed further.

location: dark area, plot: slave camp

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