Who: Sasami, Terra, partners
What: Guardian Reunion
When: Afternoon, April 11th
Where: The Doctor's Office, Tetha
Sasami couldn't help but realize that this first meeting between her in Terra since the geokinesis user was kidnapped six months prior? Was going to throw both of them for a loop. It may have been six months for Terra, but for Sasami, it was EIGHT YEARS. And even though this was the one-year mark since she first arrived in the Digital World, Sasami was still adjusting to the new statis quo.
"How do you think she'll take seeing you like this, Sasami?" Tenshi couldn't help but ask.
"Hopefully well... or at least a lot better than Hay Lin-neesan took it." Sasami said, remembering how upset she was that Sasami had grown up so fast in such a short time. "Hold on... let's make sure nothing bad happens once we get in..." With that, as Sasami approached the door to her room, she reached out and slowly opened the door.