(no subject)

Apr 05, 2009 19:13

Who: Tiffany, Yu, Sandy, Hana, Partners
What: Kids with the world on their shoulders.
When: April 07, 2009 - Morning
Where: Tetha park.

Tiffany was quiet as she carried Phascomon through the park her eyes cast down at the grass. She had been feeling so tense sense the age candy changed her that she was finding it hard to breath let alone focus on her studies.

It was bad enough that she kept thinking about everything going on to the people she cared about.

Noir, the first person from her world to arrive in the digital world that she knew of was constantly befalling all manner of rotten luck. She knew he wasn't perfect, far from it...but back home Gaia had been her friend, and Terra and Raven her mentors.

Then there was Negi's most recent run of sorrow and pain...what had she done to help? Nothing. The majority of her interaction with the Wizard were events that she'd rather not remember, her own underhanded tactics in procuring a Pactio, her acting like a fool when she was love virused, it was enough to make her face light up red just to think about it.

Furthermore this sudden change of appearance brought on some worries she hadn't considered. Once when she and the Titans had been to their future they'd seen that she and Raven gave into dark intentions and became feared witches, which in the end resulted in her death.

Tiffany kept trying to tell herself that as long as she didn't care about being the next Zatanna anymore...and as long as she did her best to help others she would never become that version of herself.

And yet when she looked in the mirror it's exactly who she saw.

Phascomon as always did his best to comfort her, but to no avail. When she fell to these depressed moods all he could do was play the part of security blanket and let her cuddle and hide behind his wisdom.

The sun flit through the trees warmly but it did nothing to sooth the coldness Tiffany felt as she walked.

character: unyusual_girl, character: asakura_flower, character: justoutrunyou, location: tetha, character: hctiwknip

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