
Nov 03, 2008 19:14

Who: Silverwing, Transformers Animated Autobots and Elite Guard.
What: Silverwing presents her case to exonerate Wasp
When: October 6th, afternoon (Epic Backdate, sorry recapper.)
Where: Neon City, Autobot HQ.

It was almost two weeks later than Silverwing had hoped to present her case. )

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1/2 onebotwrecker November 4 2008, 03:45:40 UTC
Bulkhead was sitting on one of the large, rock-hewn sofas as Kat came in, and he waved at her.

"Um. Hi," he said, nervously. He knew what this was about...


Re: 1/2 not_rusted_yet November 4 2008, 03:50:04 UTC
"Hey there," said Ratchet, sounding somewhat suspicious. "So, why don't you get to the point, little lady. We all had plans for today, after all."


Re: 1/2 elite_plow November 4 2008, 03:52:56 UTC
"Some of us more than others," scoffed Sentinel as he folded his arms.


Re: 1/2 balancenagility November 4 2008, 03:53:50 UTC
"I'm sure it is a matter of importance," stated Prowl, gracefully interposing himself in front of Sentinel's train of thought.

Sentinel scoffed but settled down on the couch as Prowl nodded towards Kat.


scrappystinger November 4 2008, 04:09:18 UTC
Bumblebee... hung towards the back of the ground, arms crossed and staring ahead with an irritable expression. FanBeemon buzzed around his head.

Given what this woman was prying into before, he didn't like where this might be going...


1/2 aheroessiren November 4 2008, 04:14:34 UTC
"Even if it cuts into our personal time," Optimus began, gesturing towards Kat. "if what we think you're inferring to is correct, it could have large repercussions not just here, but also back into our own world."


2/2 elite_stylin November 4 2008, 04:15:18 UTC
Jazz, on the other hand, didn't really care much for the overtly-fancy way the young Autobot was addressing the human, but hey, let him think whatever he wanted. Not like it was hurting anybody.


Re: 2/2 scrapperzen November 4 2008, 04:42:45 UTC
"Thank you," Silverwing said with a nod. "I've taken the liberty of renting a print shop for an afternoon so I could produce the relevant documents in a size that won't have to magnify to read. I didn't make enough for everyone, but... hopefully it'll be enough for all of you to review to your satisfaction ( ... )


1/2 onebotwrecker November 4 2008, 04:46:02 UTC
Bulkhead... just stood up. He didn't know what to say, and he didn't want to look at Bumblebee for the moment either.

He just stared at the ground, looking guilty.


2/2 not_rusted_yet November 4 2008, 04:50:07 UTC
Ratchet? His expression had grown harder and colder the more he heard from Katherine. He focused his optics on Bumblebee and Sentinel.

"You mean that this girl figured out things that the Elite Guard and someone who was there failed to uncover?" he said, angrily.


Re: 2/2 elite_plow November 4 2008, 05:24:03 UTC
Sentinel? Had the look that would be akin to "deer in the headlights". For once, the self-assured bot had been caught with the proverbial "Hand in the micro-chip jar" and there was little he could say except:

"Oh c'mon! You expect me to believe that I imprisoned someone under wrong pretenses?!"

Limb actuator meet vocal processor.


Re: 2/2 scrappystinger November 4 2008, 06:29:21 UTC
Bumblebee reacted, POTENTIALLY, in a worse manner than Sentinel.

"Oh, come on!"

Of course, he couldn't keep his mouth shut. That was a given.

"If he were a spy, how the slag do you KNOW he didn't have what it took to reprogram that junk?!" the smallest Autobot exclaimed. "Plus, if he were so innocent, why in the Pit did he escape from prison, fight off bumper-chin here, and then when he's in this world? TRY TO SLAG ME."


Re: 2/2 balancenagility November 4 2008, 06:49:23 UTC
"Bumblebee, think about it logically for a nano. He came after you because YOU put him in there under potentially false pretenses and even if he didn't as he was innocent, there is a high possibility that false information has been fed into the system," interjected Prowl smoothly.

Idly he wondered why he was always playing nanny for those two.

"If Silverwing's information is correct, and I doubt that she'd come to us with ill-timed or false information, wouldn't it be prudent to assume that there really was a plot but it was all about using people to as she said, divert attention as it were?"

"I must admit," added Prowl, "if I were put into the lockup for several dozen solar cycles I too would be fairly "ticked off". Am I right?"


aheroessiren November 4 2008, 06:52:07 UTC
It was taking several more for Optimus to try and process all of this. If it were anyone else? Yes, they would want revenge for being framed, wrongfully accused...

...left for dead...

"Prowl has a point." He finally said about the matter. "For one thing, I've noticed that "superheroes" rarely, if ever, use false information to their own gains. In effect they are a lot like us Autobots. And I'm sure all of us know at least one bot or even a human here who would be more than eager to pursue vigilante justice...even if the reasons are far from selfless."


scrapperzen November 4 2008, 07:14:33 UTC
Silverwing frowned as everyone spoke up, and she knew that this was going to be the hard sell. She really wasn't here to cast blame for anything around, she wanted to do everything she could simply to see justice done ( ... )


1/2 onebotwrecker November 4 2008, 07:22:46 UTC
"I... I thought of something."

Bulkhead piped up, frowning at everyone.

"That is... I... about Longarm. He wanted to be in intelligence, right? And... no one really questioned how he knew so much about Decepticons, right? Can we really... really risk it if what she's saying isn't the truth? It's not just about Wasp, it's about all of Cybertron. And if we're here... and he's back home without Ultra Magnus...!"


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