Who: Ryo and Koushirou
What: Reunion...really.
When: October 11th, evening (not a frontdate if you're in the FUTURE!)
Where: Royal Base - hospital ward
The first thing Ryo felt this time was a tingling in his fingers: Someone was holding his hand, someone was touching him. Dimly, it dawned on him that he couldn't have died, he couldn't have reformatted, if he still felt that burning of the Seal. Or if he was in hospital, as the needle in his left hand told him. Damnit.
Weakly, he tried to slip his hand out of the grip of...whoever it was. He didn't have the energy to sleep with anyone right now, but it was habit by now to try not to touch anyone except...
The last person he'd really seen - sure, he'd heard Osamu, he'd felt the Doctor, but sight, sensation, something other than pain: That was something else entirely.
Turning his head, Ryo managed after a few tries to open his eyes and see his boyfriend, his almost killer, slumped unconscious over the side of his bed. Of course it would've been him holding his hand. He supposed that meant Koushirou was himself again, but despite that, panic was rising in him. He had to get away, he had to move, but god, he was so weak...
"Koushirou," he whispered, sounding slightly strangled. His eyes were widening. That constant beeping - his heartbeat - was starting to speed up a little. He knew better, but that didn't change his physical reaction.
Ryo Akiyama, Legendary Tamer, was scared.