
Sep 11, 2008 17:28

Who: Erio and Caro, Dark Area NPCs, partners
What: Escape
When: September 11th
Where: Dark Area, Prison Camp site 2, exact location unknown

Erio and Caro had not been in the digital world for very long before they encountered the Dark Area. )

location: dark area, plot: slave camp

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dragnsoulsummon September 14 2008, 06:05:09 UTC
As soon as Erio had lept at Lien-da, and after Fried had been struck by Drudemon, Caro stepped in front of their fallen benefactor, and began to prepare a spell.

What Lien-da had just realized... was an even bigger help than she had initially planned.

"What I seek is that with which to admonish... with which to seize! Answer to my words, binding chains of steel!"

A magical seal appeared beneath Drudemon and Lien-da.



3/3 legionary_pride September 14 2008, 06:07:31 UTC
Lien-da screamed as the electricity from Strada conducted into her, causing her to scream out in pain... which was soon overwhelmed by something that occurred immediately after.

Her weapon turned to glowing, liquid metal in her hands... and then took the form of chains which then wrapped around and bound her. Meanwhile, chains burst from the seal beneath Drudemon, ensnaring both her and her demonic spirit.

"What... what is this?!" Lien-da shrieked.


strada_knight September 14 2008, 06:13:11 UTC
Growmon... blinked, snapping back his spikes into their default position as he had been preparing to strike with a Plasma Blade. "...huh. Humans can... do things like that?"

He frowned a bit, though. He'd needed to be saved by one of them instead...

Erio jumped back, smiling to Caro. "Good job," he lowered Strada, looking down the path they needed to head. "...we need to make a break for it now, then. Growmon! Fried! Can you two make a path for us?!"

Growmon snapped back to attention, and nodded fiercely. "Yes! Just point me in the right direction!"


dragnsoulsummon September 14 2008, 06:27:55 UTC
Caro looked about... and nodded, seeing a less concentrated group of enemy forces.

"Erio-kun!" she shouted, holding up her D-Comm as she pointed in the proper direction. "There! FRIED! JI SHURUNEN II!"

A single scale lit up on Fried's head, and his eyes lit up, as he let loose a powerful blast of laser breath into the enemy lines. Caro held out her arm, launching Shooting Ray alongside her dragon's attack.


strada_knight September 14 2008, 06:53:29 UTC
Growmon took aim for the same spot as Fried and Caro, screaming, "EXHAUST FLAME!" again, another torrent of flames joining in with their attacks.

Erio - all his attacks being physical - held back, keeping an eye on Lien-Da and Drudemon.

Things seemed to be going well, NOW... but even still, something didn't feel right...


dive_npc September 14 2008, 06:59:43 UTC
Suffice it to say, despite their poor showing, the Dark Area Tamers were not incompetent. A number of them formed their Protect Barriers, and were able to hold the line even as their comrades were blown away.

But to someone else...?

They were expendable.


A horrific shockwave cut through the Dark Army lines, surging over them and taking them out as it carried on its way to Caro and Erio.


strada_knight September 14 2008, 07:10:04 UTC
Erio's eyes widened in shock. Not just at the incoming attack, but at how ruthlessly his Digimon treated his own comrades.

Regardless, he wasn't going to take a chance on whether or not their barriers could withstand THIS attack. Hoping the Digimon could dodge in time - and Growmon was already rolling out of the way - he ran to Caro and the Tamer he had saved, grabbing both of them, as Strada shouted, {Sonic Move!}

He'd be slowed down carrying two people, but... he hoped it'd be in time.


1/3 dragnsoulsummon September 14 2008, 07:14:32 UTC
Caro's eyes widened at the sight of what happened... and then screamed as she saw Fried being blown away by the attack. But then Erio grabbed her, and everything became a blur.

The shockwave did pass them... Erio was quick enough.

"Erio-kun," Caro said, her voice shaking. "Fried... his... his own comrades..."


2/3 legionary_pride September 14 2008, 07:16:48 UTC
Lien-da and Drudemon had been blown off their feet by the attack, thus severing the chains from the seals that bound them. However, they were still quite wrapped up in them.

Growling, she looked up, and began to say "Who dares?!"

... Only to pale at the sight of the Area General.

"Lord... lord Phelesmon..."


3/3 dive_npc September 14 2008, 07:19:23 UTC
Phelesmon descended and landed upon the ground.

"What a hash you've made of another assignment," said Phelesmon. "You've had your chance Lien-da... from here on, I will directly command the Dark Army."

Lien-da stammered, and eventually choked out. "But... lord EBEmon...!"

"Isn't here," said Phelesmon, grinning. "Now... time to put down this rabble, so I can take charge of my new position..."

Assuming a stance, he fired a beam of energy straight at Erio and Caro from his trident.


1/2 elite_zippy September 14 2008, 07:43:56 UTC
Suddenly, there was a blur.

Namely, in the form of a blue sports car that suddenly came streaking in along the ground, plowing through Dark Area forces along its way. It passed by Erio, Caro, and their Dark Army helper... and the side of the car transformed into a hand which grabbed them, throwing them inside its cab.

This was done rather quickly, and fast enough to completely avoid Phelesmon's blast.

As the car went into a tight turn to circle back, its driver's side door opened, and ANOTHER blue streak went flying out of it.

It bounced between several of the still-standing Dark Area Tamers, knocking each one down as they were used as stepping stones, and then finally began to glow brightly as it continued to spin.

"Gaomon, EVOLVE!"


2/2 elite_zippy September 14 2008, 07:45:02 UTC

The Adult Digimon skid to a halt, wind already circulating around his mouth. "SPIRAL BLOW!" he cried, firing off a torrent of powerful winds at the Dark Area forces in the car's path.


dive_npc September 14 2008, 07:59:53 UTC
Phelesmon's eyes widened, but he stood his ground against the winds. As powerful as he was, all it did was shred portions of his outfit.

"You have a lot of courage," said Phelesmon, leveling his staff at the beast digimon. "But not a lot of brains. An adult, facing an Area General on his own? Are you suicidal?"


elite_zippy September 14 2008, 15:11:24 UTC
The car came to a sudden stop, as if staring down Phelesmon. It just... stayed there, steadily revving its engine.

"Far from it," Gaogamon spoke, baring his fangs and grinning. "We're hardly foolish enough to think we could accomplish something like this on our own."


1/? dive_npc September 14 2008, 17:59:57 UTC
Phelesmon tilted his head to the side, and sneered.

"I don't know what you mean by that," he said, "but nothing any Tamer can bring to a fight can possibly stand against me."

A dark glow surrounded his pitchfork. "BLACK STAT-"

But... he was interrupted... by being hit by a sudden strike of lightning.


2/? elite_thunder September 14 2008, 18:06:46 UTC
As Phelesmon was blown off his feet, a yellow blur surged forward, slicing the Area Leader across one of his vital points.

"I, Grademon," began the yellow, blue-caped warrior, "suggest that you rethink that notion!"


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