
Sep 11, 2008 17:28

Who: Erio and Caro, Dark Area NPCs, partners
What: Escape
When: September 11th
Where: Dark Area, Prison Camp site 2, exact location unknown

Erio and Caro had not been in the digital world for very long before they encountered the Dark Area. )

location: dark area, plot: slave camp

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strada_knight September 11 2008, 23:55:29 UTC
Erio did his best to force a rather defeated look on his face as he was suddenly dragged into the barracks by a Dark Area Tamer. Note, this was being dragged by his HAIR.

But LOOKING defeated wasn't necessarily the easiest thing for him, after everything he'd learned during his time at Section Six. However, defiance was often swiftly expected to be punished... so he did his best to play along for the moment. Elecmon, on the other hand, was being held up by the scruff of his neck by the same Tamer.

The young man gave a shout as he was unceremoniously dumped at Caro's feet. Elecmon soon followed, landing on Erio's back.

"You're lucky none of the higher ups caught you sneaking around after curfew!" the Tamer barked. "For what it's worth, I should have your head for that!"

A kick was thrown into Erio's gut, the force of which sent Elecmon flying off him, for good measure.

"You're just lucky I'm lenient!"

Erio gave a somewhat violent cough. That much, at least, wasn't acting... but again, he put up with it. He had to play along...


dragnsoulsummon September 12 2008, 00:17:13 UTC
Caro's first thought was that Erio had been caught. She stood up, and scrambled to his side. Putting a hand on his shoulders, she looked up to yell at the soldier...

... Only for her eyes to widen as four particular objects clattered out of his robes. The Tamer's back was to the rest of the barracks, so no one would be able to see what he was doing.

"You make sure this scum is ready to work again in the morning," said the Tamer, once Caro had cautiously retrieved and hidden the devices and their D-Comms.


strada_knight September 12 2008, 00:20:56 UTC
"I- I will be..." Erio coughed, pushing himself up a bit. He nodded to Caro, smiling slightly.

This, of course, was a lie.

By morning? He didn't plan on BEING there.

Elecmon righted himself, grumbling to himself. He was well aware of their plans, but couldn't help but still be a little irritated... He hadn't been with his Tamer for very long before all of this happened, and he'd been helpless to stop it in the first place. Even if Erio didn't seem angry at him, Elecmon was still quite angry with himself over their current predicament.


dragnsoulsummon September 12 2008, 00:33:04 UTC
Caro was still in a state of disbelief over what has happened, as she drew out her D-Comm and Kerykeion.

"Kerykeion... is it really you?" she asked, with a hushed voice.

"I am at peak operation," said the device, flashing as it spoke.

Caro felt her eyes water, and she hugged Erio desperately. "Erio-kun!" she sobbed, lightly. "Thank you...!"


strada_knight September 12 2008, 02:41:27 UTC
He hugged her back, smiling. "Don't worry about it, Caro," he said, quietly, but then pulled away from her a bit, holding up Strada. "But... we'll have to act, now. If it comes morning and they find these on us..."


dragnsoulsummon September 12 2008, 03:20:30 UTC
Caro nodded, and started to help Erio up. Once that was done... she looked around at the other prisoners, most of whom appeared oblivious.

"Erio-kun," she began, "can we... really not take any of them with us...?"


strada_knight September 12 2008, 03:26:52 UTC
Erio blinked, and then bowed his head. "...I've already looked at the messages on this 'D-Comm'... Nanoha-san, Fate-san, and Subaru-san are here, looking for us... We have to... we need to get out of here, and get to them, then with what we know about this place..."

He sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Most of these people... they're not fighters. We can't get out of here while protecting them at the same time... we'd just be putting them in even more danger."


dragnsoulsummon September 12 2008, 03:42:10 UTC
Caro listened to this... and nodded sadly. She took his hand, and looked at the floor. She'd be fine, but... she needed a moment to come to terms with this.

"Alright," she said, finally. "Let's go..."

There would be a secret exit they'd discovered... a broken away portion of the rear wall they and their digimon would be able to slip through.

From there? It was a matter of evading security to get beyond the camp's perimeter.


strada_knight September 14 2008, 02:14:11 UTC
...which seemed as if it'd be easier than done. The Dark Area was hardly lax in their security, especially after an apparent attempt at freeing their prisoners some weeks ago.

Ducking between two buildings and pressing himself up against a wall, Erio peered out to take a look at the paths open to them.

Problem was, there WEREN'T many, from what he could see.

He narrowed his eyes, looking back at Caro, Fried, and Elecmon. "...this isn't going to be easy." He looked down at Strada around his wrist. "...especially since I think this world might have some effect on our magic..."


dragnsoulsummon September 14 2008, 02:36:23 UTC
"You're right," said Caro, looking worried. "I can already feel it... our magical capacity is much less potent, and... with Fried like he is..."

As Caro looked down nervously, the Dracomon took notice and warbled, rubbing up against her leg.


strada_knight September 14 2008, 02:54:12 UTC
Erio looked back at her and frowned for a moment, before smiling and patting her on the shoulder. "Still, that doesn't mean we're helpless, right? We don't have to BEAT them... just break past them. Together, we should be able to make up for whatever we're lacking."

Elecmon grimaced, starting to think this was a very bad idea. He hadn't been able to protect his Tamer before... what business did he have thinking he'd be able to do so NOW, against these odds?


dragnsoulsummon September 14 2008, 02:57:12 UTC
Caro nodded, sullenly. "Erio-kun," she said. "I'll do my best..."

Looking past him, she bit her lower lip. It looked like a gap had formed in the guards' movements... and the searchlight was now aimed on the other end of the camp.

"We... we should move now, Erio-kun...!"


strada_knight September 14 2008, 03:14:35 UTC
He nodded fiercely, taking her hand.

In any other circumstance, he'd just use Sonic Move and get the both of them out of there. But with Fried as he was, and Elecmon... that wasn't an option. Thus, the only one they did have?

"Now!" he said.

Was to run, which they did.


1/2 dragnsoulsummon September 14 2008, 03:16:28 UTC
Caro nodded, and took off when Erio gave the signal, holding onto his hand as he ran. Fried spread his wings and followed them.

It seemed they would make it, but once they were halfway to the perimeter...


Re: 1/2 legionary_pride September 14 2008, 03:20:51 UTC

A blast of demonic energy flew down, striking just in front of the pair's path.


strada_knight September 14 2008, 03:32:40 UTC
Erio's eyes widened, and he jumped back, pulling Caro with him. Elecmon was behind them, so was out of the radius of the blast.

As the young man hit the ground, he grit his teeth, looking for the source of the blast...

Of course this was too easy.


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