
May 11, 2008 20:07

Who: Marine Devimon & the Dark Area Army, All who signed up for the D'Ango Battle
What: Assault on D'Ango Forest
When: May 11th, Afternoon
Where: D'Ango Forest, river

In D'Ango forest, a fleet of war ships moved down the river... unleashing massive fire on the countryside. )

plot: dark area invasion

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2/2 digimon_warrior May 14 2008, 18:20:26 UTC
Not too far away, Ikuto came upon Peckmon, who he ran to and attempted to jostle awake. Peckmon stirred... and his eyes widened, upon seeing Ikuto.

"Ikuto.." he said, getting to his feet. "You're... you're okay..."

Ikuto smirked. "Yes, Peckmon... but now, everyone needs us."

Both Tamer and partner narrowed their eyes, and tried to marshall their strength... the strength they had felt back in their own world, and earlier on Draco Island. The result was a bright flash of light between them...

"Peckmon, evolve to..."

The ostrich-like digimon's wings grew longer, and his legs became shorter, and one was added in number. A golden mask formed over his head, and his plumage became dark colored, save for the white on his head. A long cable came out of the back of his helmet, and a pestle appeared on each of his wings.


The mighty crow flapped his wings, and... seeing Yuka in the distance, spun the pestles on his wings. "MIKAFUTSU NO KAMI!" cried Yatagaramon, gathering energy and firing a massive blast from two of his legs at the Devidramon swarm.

Ikuto left upon Yatagaramon's back, and the bird swung around to face MarineDevimon. Ikuto yelled into his D-Comm, "EVERYONE! Strike now, while he's distracted!"

Several of MachGaogamon's digimon heard him, and let loose their own attacks, with cries of "Fox Fire!" and "Spiral Blow!"


1/2 quietnitece71 May 14 2008, 19:32:01 UTC
"OH!" Lacus cried out as MarineDevimon's tentacle released her from his grip, tossing Tailmon and FlaWizardmon off of it as well. As she hit the ground, she held her side. She swore she heard something snap and the pain searing through her side confirmed that the squeeze broke a rib. What got her fired up was that the beast had decided to get a bit frisky and if he hadn't released her...

...her eyes narrowed as a pink aura began surrounding her. She picked up the fallen Xiang Yao Xang, then went for her D-Reader, realizing the other Xiang Yao Xang Melody gave her as well as two of the Psycho Blasters, the Blasters perched on Tailmon's shoulders and the staff in its hands.

"You vile beast... destroying this precious forest, threatening its inhabitants, harming and... TRYING TO VIOLATE OTHERS! You WIlL be punished for your actions!" Lacus shouted, her eyes dilating as her long-dormant SEED mode kicked in. "Tailmon... attack and do NOT let up!"

"Right...!" Tailmon said. "TWIN PSYCHO BLASTERS WITH KOUYOUJOU - KAMON NO JIN!" Spinning the Xiang Yao Xang staff rapidly, it fired off a massive water spout at MarineDevimon, surrounded by bursts of energy from the Psycho Blasters


2/2 all_hail_doom May 14 2008, 19:40:06 UTC
From his hiding spot, Doom watched the beast, his D-Reader held out, scanning him constantly. He knew that this power would be worthwhile somehow.

"Black V-dramon. Are you ready?" Doom asked. Black V-dramon nodded as he pounded his fists together.

"Let's show them our TRUE power!" Black V-dramon said.

"Very well. Realize! Psycho Blasters! Realize! MarineDevimon!" Doom shouted. In mere seconds, Black V-Dramon sported two Psycho Blasters on its shoulders and found itself with a set of tentacles. "Go, Black V-Dramon!"

"Aye!" It said, charging into the battlefield. It lept into the air as it got close. "NECK HANGING!" The tentacles shot out, trying to wrap itself around the beast. "GUILTY BLACK! DOUBLE PSYCHO BLASTERS WITH HAMMER PUUUUUNCH!" In rapid succession, the beast fired out a burst of firey ink at his opponent, then dived at him, firing its Psycho Blasters as it prepared for its own finishing blow.


1/2 lastofthearcs May 14 2008, 19:49:43 UTC
Serene took no wait into changing her scythe into something less icy, a set of claws she had from home, once MarineDevimon opened up this chance!

"Let's do this, IceDevimon! No Mercy!"

"Right! Frost Claw!"

Serene let loose a flurry of claw slashes imbued with electricity on the fallen digimon while IceDevimon clawed away with icy hands.


2/2 freelancer_whut May 14 2008, 19:59:19 UTC
"The Shiroyasha's final strike!" Gintoki jumped up and slammed down his sword on one area of Marinedevimon's body. Dinohyumon did the same, stabbing down, however, instead of a slash from the Buster sword. And for the final strike for him, took out his own sword to attack with. "Akinakesu!"

"Don't Let up!" Gintoki shouted into the D-Comm!


queenofcrystal May 14 2008, 21:04:08 UTC
Zudomon took a moment to catch his breath as Molly clung to his spike, glad she hadn't lost her partner, her best friend.

"You ready?" she whispered.

Zudomon nodded. "THUMBS UP LET'S DO THIS."

The command came to Molly without thinking about it too much. "Dynamic Punch WITH THE HAMMER, downwards, and then close range Aurora Beam!"

"With the hammer...?" Zudomon questioned, looking down at it. Could he do that?


Concentrating, Zudomon formed a ball of light in his right hand, then sent it down the hammer, charging at Marine Devimon. He raised the hammer above his head, and brought it down on the sea beast with a flash of light upon contact, as Molly fired attacks from her staff. This close, he let off one final, "Aurora Beam!"


daimonchika May 14 2008, 22:37:03 UTC
Chika looked to Ikuto and smiled, happy and relieved that he was okay. She then turned her attention to the enemy.

Aquilamon smirked.

"One more time?"

Chika nodded. "Yeah! We'll all win this!"

"Hold on tightly, then!" Aquilamon then prepared for another attack.



leejianliang May 15 2008, 02:23:16 UTC
"This looks like 'an opening' to me, if I ever saw one!" Galgomon shouted as he and Jen rushed into the fight.

"Right!" Jen shouted, tapping something on his D-Comm. "LET HIM HAVE IT!"

Light flashed around Galgomon's arms, and two NEW guns appeared on top of the ones he normally had. "Oooh, me likey!" he said, before taking aim. "DOUBLE PSYCHO BLASTER!"


wizardpi May 15 2008, 03:08:41 UTC
"Dogpile on the leader!" FlaWizardmon yelled, holding up his hands, which were glowing with flame. "Fire Cloud!"

Back a ways, Harry felt his own shield go down. He ducked for cover. "Now who's trying to light the forest on fire? Worse," he said, through the D-Comm.


proto_strike May 15 2008, 03:29:29 UTC
Starmon and Proto Man both jumped up, as the robot aimed his buster at MarineDevimon and the digimon readied his own attack. "METEOR SQUALL!" And with each tiny meteor a small yellow plasma shot followed.


tenshi_no_kibou May 15 2008, 04:12:47 UTC
Takeru looked up as the others started attacking again. Ikuto, Serene, Yuka, Kutner and Chika were all giving it there all in this fight...

... and he and Angemon weren't.

The leader of Unit 3 clenched his fist around his D-Comm. He and Angemon needed to do better! They couldn't give this fight time to change and go against them, not when they had more power that they could use!

Takeru almost didn't notice that his D-Comm was glowing again, or that Angemon was glowing as well.

"Angemon Evolve!" Angemon shouted as he glowed white and his body shifted, an extra pair of wings appearing out of his back and a purple blade appearing on his forearm. "HOLY ANGEMON!"

Takeru smiled as Holy Angemon flew forward, the purple blade on his forarm glowing as he slashed the air in front of Marine Devimon. "Excalibur!" he shouted, a purple blade of energy leaping off of his blade and speeding towards Marine Devimon.


2/3 noguchi_yuka May 15 2008, 04:15:36 UTC
Yuka smiled as Yatagaramon's attack cleared her path for her. She flipped open her D-Comm and sent a quick "thank you" to Ikuto before turning to Will.

"Ready to attack?" she asked, reading her Psycho Blaster.


3/3 kandrakar_heart May 15 2008, 04:19:53 UTC
"You bet!" Will answered, turning her attention to Marine Devimon and readying a blast of Quintessence. "Huggles, on three!" she shouted.

"One..." Huggles nodded, jaw opening slightly.

...two..." Will saw Yuka's partner's eyes glow red.


And with that, Will fired her blast of energy, Yuka fired the Psycho Blaster, Devidramon fired his Red Eye, and Huggles sent out a blast of his Destroyed Voice.

All of the attacks seemed to swirl around each other in the air as they headed towards Marine Devimon.


Re: 1/4 guardian_haylin May 15 2008, 04:26:34 UTC
Hay Lin pulled back a ways until she'd gotten a safe distance away from Marine Devimon, holding onto Hawkmon protectively.

"Please, Hawkmon...I know you're tired, but if you could just Evolve once more, for one big attack...I'll get you something really good to eat to make up for it!"

The Guardian of Air let Hawkmon go once she saw him glow brightly and turned her attention to her now glowing D-Comm...seconds later, Aquilamon was back in the air once more!

"Thanks, Aquilamon...let's do this!" Hay Lin charged up a double dose of Air and Gravity and combined both blasts with her partner's Blast Laser, all three heading straight toward Marine Devimon.


Re: 2/4 otonashixsaya May 15 2008, 04:31:06 UTC
Saya panted lightly as she stared intently at Marine Devimon, her eyes narrowed. Tailmon stared at her Tamer, a look of determination in the Adult Digimon's eyes.

"...Are you ready, Saya?"

"As long as I have you and Diva here, always." Gripping her sword tightly, Saya ran forward alongside Tailmon who had brandished her claws one last time.

"It's time for this wannabe fish to go back to packaging! CAT PUNCH!!"


Re: 3/4 born2bavatar May 15 2008, 04:35:41 UTC
Aang took in a breath before releasing it. Now was the time for him to unleash his power as the Avatar in one, fluid motion! But he wasn't alone in this. Thanks to the training he'd received from Katara, Toph, and surprisingly Azula and Zuko, he felt like he could handle anything.

Plus, with Galgomon by his side, Aang actually felt complete.

"One combined attack, Galgomon...for Katara, Toph, Zuko, Azula, and Sokka!" Aang fired a double blast of Airbending and Waterbending, then took a few seconds before firing a second double blast-this time, of Earthbending and Firebending!

"That's the Arrow Kid I've come to grow and love! GATLING ARM!!" The Adult Digimon fired at the same time as his Tamer, so the bullets swerved around Aang's 'Bending while aimed at the same target-Marine Devimon.


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