Backdated to Tetha Riot: Dragon Log

Mar 24, 2008 00:28

Who: Will, Matt, Hay Lin, Caleb Jack Sparrow, Samwise, Nerissa, Rose and Jarrod, and their partners [closed]
What: Silver Dragon Siege
When: March 22nd Evening (during Tetha Raid
Where: Tetha, The Silver Dragon.

Will didn't know anything that was going on, but the last thing she expected, even including everything that was happening, was to see a replica of the Silver Dragon in the Digital World... )

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stupidly_dead March 24 2008, 05:56:06 UTC
"I smell demons coming," sniffed Jarrod, casting a glance around as he and Rose flew over the city, the populace in ruins. "There!"

"That's the Silver Dragon master," said Laz. The Impmon had been summoned back and promptly berated for being evolved into an out of control Voidwalker-slash-Bakemon. "But you're right. This smells like the minions of Sargeras."

"Mm. Rose, we must go down there and assist them. I smell a fight on my hands. I hope you won't get squeamish, cause they're taking out a few of their own." pointed out Jarrod.

As if illustrating this, Grizzlymon took out an angry Tankmon in a parody of Bakemon's own attack. "Red Flag," noted Laz as a pirate fought off several, a red flag flapping behind him from some torn scrap. "What does that mean?"

"No quarter given," replied Jarrod, well accustomed to the Bloodsail Buccaneers who flew it constantly back home. "You only fly the red flag if you intend to kill everyone on board a ship even if they're willing to surrender."

It was true; the pirate lord was giving no quarter, his sword ripping through digimon and scattering data everywhere to be sent back to the area birthplace. His own digimon fired a beam weapon that took out scores, though the Koemon's face was hardened with regret. Some of the digimon, the wiser and older ones were backing away, but not all of them were planning on giving up.


every_thorn March 24 2008, 18:43:23 UTC
"No problem," Rose answered in a hard voice. "There was a saying I grew up with: 'A distracted dragon is a slain one.' Airdramon, let's help them out!"

"You got it!" Airdramon agreed, unleashing death from above in the form of flaming God Tornadoes. Rose then jumped from her back with a battle cry and brought her bladed staff down on a Coredramon. They'd have to follow the pirate lord's example and fly their own red flag. Glass was shattering inside the Silver Dragon from a battle inside. Airdramon was able to see an old hag and a winged humanoid that didn't look like any Digimon she knew with a distinct animosity toward each other.

"For Hououmon!" a Dorugamon proclaimed while ramming into her. Airdramon knew he was wrong though--Hououmon defended those Tamers Kouki and Kouichi. He'd never approve of this riot.

"For Hououmon!" she yelled back before hitting him head-on with a Spinning Needle.


stupidly_dead March 24 2008, 19:51:38 UTC

Flaming missiles of fire rained down upon the digimon who screamed and ran, many of them fleeing for their lives. One of them stupidly got in Jarrod's way, frothing and howling "For Hououmon!" which Impmon blasted in the face with a fireball.

The force was sufficient enough to delete the digimon and his data floated away. "YOU WANT SOME OF THIS, HUH?!" howled Impmon as golden light washed across the pair.

"DING, MOTHERFUCKERS!" cackled Jarrod, feeling his energy renew and increase. At once, he conjured up the biggest shadowbolt he could and fired it into the crowd. There was a minor explosion of violet light and enemies were tossed away. "Gotta love that in-battle Ding!" At once, he loosed a Hellfire that scattered more digimon.


every_thorn March 25 2008, 02:01:11 UTC
"Nice trick!" Airdramon cried.

"We need to clear the perimeter!" Rose ordered. "Too many rioters are getting inside! They're not going to be able to take it."

"I got an idea," Airdramon answered. "Jarrod, mind a little rain of death?" She prepared another God Tornado, this time aiming it toward the sky.


stupidly_dead March 25 2008, 04:22:10 UTC
Jarrod grinned and launched into his biggest Hellfire yet, one hand upraised in the "Devil Horns" while he knocked back a bottle of shimmering blue liquid. "Mana Potion," he explained. "LAZ! Let em have it!"

Laz grinned and launched the biggest Firebolt into the crowd the Impmon could muster. Things went flying as he flung his hand out, a sickly purple light streaming from it to strike a digimon. "Soul Drain!"

The digimon toppled over and a small glowing violet shard gleamed in it. "How about we take this up a notch Laz?"

"You sure master?" inquired Laz and Jarrod nodded. The Impmon vanished a second before Jarrod grinned. Fingers splayed into the devil horns, he channeled a spell. Circles of violet light spun around his feet as he called out, "SUMMON: VOIDWALKER!"

The huge Bakemon materialized but instead of the deadly-hiss, it answered back in Laz's voice. "Great Job master! We just needed a soul shard!"

Jarrod gave it a thumbs up. "GO FOR IT!"

"TORMENT!" And digimon went flying.


every_thorn March 25 2008, 17:45:34 UTC
Airdramon released the God Tornado, and combined with the Hellfire, it burst into fireballs that rained down on the perimeter of the Silver Dragon, creating a wall of fire that kept all non-fire elementals out. These were fair game for Jarrod and Laz. Those who were able to get through the barrier had Rose and Airdramon to deal with, and they tore through them with staff blasts and Spinning Needles.


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