Festival Week End / Hououmon's Destiny

Mar 22, 2008 00:20

Who: Open to All
What: Festival Closing Ceremony
When: March 22nd, Late Evening
Where: Phoenix Colosseum

Face your destiny. Do not turn away. )

plot: tetha riot, event: festival, plot: kuratageddon

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TARDIS THREAD legendarytamer March 22 2008, 05:57:16 UTC
"Do not let me or Kou or your partners out of your sight," Ryo ordered, realizing his whip from his D-Reader and lashing out at everything trying to kill them. Okay, Ryo liked fighting for his life a little more than the average person, but that was when he didn't have baggage people he cared about around him...

Molly stuck with him accordingly, but ignored the implied 'stay out of danger'. "Blizzard attack!"



"Beat Knuckle!"

Ryo gaped for a moment, then shook his head. They didn't have time to argue. "Okay: Molly, get everyone to the Forest. Don't go back for anything, just go straight to the lightpo--"

"Kiyoko!" Osamu interrupted, running for the apartment with Keramon hanging off his shoulder shooting out Crazy Giggles to defend his partner.

"WHY DO I ATTRACT THE CRAZIES?!" Ryo demanded of no one in particular.


Re: TARDIS THREAD 3point14napple March 22 2008, 06:07:34 UTC
Koushirou stopped running as he passed the apartment, his eyes narrowed.

"I'm not going." He said, determination filling his black slits. "Not while there's still hope."

Hope. That was something Koushirou didn't often believe in. But if it could get them out of this mess then he was going to hold onto it for as long as possible.

Mackenzie stared at the young man that instant and knew...knew that that wasn't her Koushirou. The Koushirou he knew would use his better judgement and regroup. The Koushirou she knew wasn't defiant...and the Koushirou she knew deffinately wasn't a fighter.

But this Koushirou...he was.

What happened to you Kou-baby?


Re: TARDIS THREAD legendarytamer March 22 2008, 06:16:09 UTC
"And you tell me not to play hero," Ryo retorted, spinning to glare at him after yelling at Osamu over the Comms. "As much as I like a good fight, it's not going to help anything right now!"

Molly looked between them, eyes wide. "Neither's arguing!"


Re: TARDIS THREAD 3point14napple March 22 2008, 06:30:26 UTC
"I'm not saying we fight!" Koushirou yelled back.

"I SURE AS FUCK AM!" Mack yelled as well, hitting an attacking digimon upside the head with her hockey stick as Ryuudamon sent out waves of Katana's.

"FIGHTING ISN'T THE ANSWER! We can at least take refuge here and try to figure out what we can do here rather than just run away. That's what that man...Kurata...wants. He wants to cause chaos and by running away we're LETTING HIM WIN. We don't need to run, we need to live like we normally would and not give into this madness!"


Re: TARDIS THREAD legendarytamer March 22 2008, 09:15:54 UTC
Usually Ryo tried not to swear in front of the kids. This, however, was not usual.

"I'd like to see you live normally with a fucking mob! Fangirls, I can cope with; this mob's trying to kill us. That bastard hasn't won until every last digimon here is deleted permanently. We need to retreat elsewhere until someone the digimon trust tells them what the fuck really happened, because right now, it's just like home but worse!

"What are you doing?" he added abruptly, looking at Molly, who was on her D-Comm. He didn't seem to notice that he'd just effectively called his last digital world 'home'.

"Do you mind?"


Re: TARDIS THREAD fireflychyld March 22 2008, 13:03:25 UTC

Suddenly several attacks from the panicking Digimon bounced off of an invisible barrier; when the dust cleared Sailor Saturn was visible, standing between her flatmates and the mob with her Glaive held defensively before her.

"Koushiro, listen to Ryo! If we fight back against these innocents, we will only be reinforcing the idea that we are here to harm them! We will be playing into that maniac's hands!"

Turning to Ryo Saturn said, "I'll hold this group off while you get out of here. Is everyone out of our apartment?"


Re: TARDIS THREAD 3point14napple March 22 2008, 17:14:01 UTC
"Hence why I'm NOT FIGHTING BACK!" he yelled. And in all reality, we wasn't ( ... )


Re: TARDIS THREAD reignxfall March 22 2008, 22:17:49 UTC
Here, Koushirou, have a Chrysalimon in your apartment.


"I'm fine," Osamu said calmly, stepping out from behind his partner with Kiyoko in his arms. He regarded Koushirou for a moment, taking in the blade in his arm. "You are not."

Taking out his stylus, he realized the first aid equipment from his D-Reader...before realizing that while he'd been allowed to look at some of his world's most deadly viruses, he had no idea about basic first aid.

"Is there a reason why this apartment appears to be impenetrable?" he asked, while he tried to figure out what he was doing. "I'm assuming it's something in the code."


Re: TARDIS THREAD 3point14napple March 22 2008, 22:47:33 UTC
"Hacked the code before I was blocked. Why else do you think it's bigger on the inside?" He said, still breathing heavily. Goddamnit why had he never taken first aid? Some genius he was.

Well, at least he had the common sense to not simply rip the blade out.


Re: TARDIS THREAD reignxfall March 23 2008, 00:22:35 UTC
Hacking. That was it. It was possible that it was only Koushirou's laptop that was blocked and not all hacking into the mainframe... After all, he'd managed to make Ash's D-Reader Bluetooth-compatible... Really, Ash owed him.

"Excuse me."

Kiyoko leapt out of his arms and onto Koushirou's lap as he got out his D-Comm. He dialed the frequency, but of course Ash wasn't picking up. No doubt he was also in the riots.

The second Osamu hung up, his D-Comm started beeping again.



Wincing, Osamu held the digivice away from his ear. "Ryo, really, there's no need to yell."

But, hey, at least he still cared.

"Sorry! Monodramon, evolve! ...STRIKEDRAMON! Is Kou with you?"

Osamu caught Koushirou's eye. "Yes."

"He got maimed again, didn't he?" Ryo didn't give him time to answer. "Where are you?"

"In the TARDIS."

"Hotaru and I are coming; stay put."

Ryo hung up abruptly. Osamu flicked his D-Comm closed again, looking to Koushirou. "Ryo and Hotaru are coming."

Kiyoko mewled anxiously.

(OOC: OKAY, OKAY, ( ... )


Re: TARDIS THREAD fireflychyld March 23 2008, 02:36:44 UTC
Saturn led the way through the mob back to the apartment, using Silent Walls and swings of her glaive to keep the panicking Digimon at bay while Lunamon pushed them back with Hydro Sprays.

"This'll be the second time I've had to heal him," she said, referring to Koushiro. "Think I ought to start charging BITs?"


Re: TARDIS THREAD legendarytamer March 23 2008, 03:34:01 UTC
"Maybe it would stop him from getting maimed," Ryo replied, driving digimon off with wide arcs of his whip. On his blind side, Strikedramon kept up a steady Strike Fang to put off any attackers.

Even the apartment building they lived in was filled with rioters. Snarling, Ryo fought his way to the TARDIS, almost dropping the key as he unlocked the door.

As soon as he, Strikedramon, Lunamon, and Saturn were inside, he slammed the door shut and span to look at Koushirou.


"Hello to you too," Osamu said dryly.

Looking behind Osamu, Ryo noted the Chrysalimon with disbelief. "Please tell me that's yours."

Osamu nodded, and Kiyoko pointed at Chrysalimon from Koushirou's lap. "Lili!"


Re: TARDIS THREAD 3point14napple March 23 2008, 03:44:56 UTC
"What happened to getting out of here?" Koushirou said from his seat on the floor, still griping where the blade had hit tight. "And at least I didn't go and break almost half the bones in my body!"

Then he noticed Hotaru.

The one who had healed him when he had multiple broken bones and was a few days away from death.

...Hopefully she wouldn't mention that incident...right?

"Sorry about requiring your services again Hotaru."


Re: TARDIS THREAD fireflychyld March 23 2008, 14:40:16 UTC
Right, sure; whatever you say Koushiro.

Saturn knelt down beside Koushiro, banishing her Glaive, and smirked. "Well, at least you're not as bad off as you were the last time," she said, examining the wound. "You're just lucky I'm not charging you for my services."

Her brow furrowed as she looked at the blade. "I'll try to remove this as gently as possible, but it's probably going to hurt a bit," she warned.

Kiyoko looked up at Saturn in confusion. "Ruru?"

"Yeah, Kiyoko-chan. Ruru." Saturn smiled.


Re: TARDIS THREAD legendarytamer March 24 2008, 05:58:26 UTC
"Molly's getting Mack and Ken out," Ryo told him, before cracking his whip out of frustration.

"That was once! And what about you? Broken jaw and ribs, stinger to the hand, don't think I didn't notice your stuffed up leg after Arachnemon, and now, what is it, Kunai Blade to the arm?"

Osamu stared. There was an intensity in Ryo's gaze that he'd never seen before. His Ryo was a fighter, but he'd never had something to fight for...

This wasn't his Ryo any more. He'd known that the moment Ryo had walked out of the apartment, but he had never been more conscious of that fact before now.

"I know, right," Strikedramon muttered to Osamu. The genius could only nod.


Re: TARDIS THREAD 3point14napple March 24 2008, 06:35:04 UTC
Kou merely rolled his eyes.

"Alright, so I've got a bit of bad luck in battle. Not my fault!"

Kou let out a huge sigh as he tried to calm down.

"The important thing is that we're safe in here. Whatever's going on out there can't hurt us and this way we are available to assist if needbe here in Tetha."


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